  • 期刊


Applying Technology Education Theories into the Classification of Collections in the National Science and Technology Museum


審慎地經由選購、交換、贈送等途徑入館典藏的博物館館藏文物,必須妥善處理與組織,方便於管理。這一種處理與組織在圖書館來說,指的是圖書資料的分類、編目;在博物館而言,指的是文物的登錄與分類(黃文美,1999)。經由文獻與國內博物館藏品分類現況分析,博物館的藏品分類可以分為兩種:一、以學科分類收藏:這種分類法反映學術訓練對物件知識的詮釋,與高等教育的結構。二、以材料分類收藏:這種分類法常見於保存環境的規劃。在上述兩種分類上,以學科分析收藏可能限制了各學科間的呈現與詮釋,或因區分太細而使收藏沒有機會提供不同的觀點被更多元方式的使用者所應用;而以材質分類蒐藏則可能使藏品因不同學科而有錯誤安排。雖然兩種方式各有其限制,但了解收藏的種類及其發展,在館員的工作上是有價值且必須有的基礎(徐純譯,2000)。國立科學工藝博物館(以下簡稱工博館)英文名稱為Science and Technology Museum,Technology在台灣多被翻譯為「科技」,本館的蒐藏政策也開宗明義為「蒐藏我國重要科技文物,並擴及其他時期國內外科技文物」。本研究經由文獻分析法,參考1947年代起美國以科技的知識體系的課程架構、1981年的「傑克森坊工藝課程理論」(將人類的技術分為傳播、運輸、營建、製造4大系統),與1990年(將科技知識分為傳播、運輸、生產、生物4大系統)「科技教育概念架構」;再參考後續學者提出的科技系統共同組成要素(工具、材料、能源、資訊、人力、程序)。以科技的知識系統為主軸,將科技分為傳播科技、運輸科技、營建科技、製造科技、生物科技、科學實驗與跨領域科技7大類,並依科技系統包含要素細分其項、目,並以該分類架構試行分類本館藏品。期建立適合本館之科技文物分類架構,後續作為本館典藏政策與文物典藏方向之參考。


博物館 藏品 分類


Museum collections, either come from purchasing, exchanging, gifting, or other ways, require a proper organization for management purposes. For a library, this organization refers to the classification and cataloging of books and materials; for a museum, it refers to the registration and classification of collections. (Huang Wen-Mei, 1999)Through analyzing literature and current status of collections in domestic museums, there are two types of classification methods for museum collections. First, collected objects are classified by academic subjects; this type of method reflects the academic training on the interpretation of the objects as well as the higher education structure. Second, collected objects are classified by materials; this type of method is often used in planning museum storage places.Classification by subjects may restrict the representation and interpretation among different subjects, or fail to provide alternative perspectives for more diverse users due to over-detailed divide; while classification by materials may have the same subject objects be placed inappropriately in different classes. Both methods have their limitations. To understand the types and development of the collecting methods, however, is still valuable and necessary for museum staff (Xu, Chun-yi, 2000).The collection policy of National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) is to ”collect important domestic technology objects and expand the collecting scope to other periods of time or countries”. This study, according to documentary analysis, uses and combines the curriculums developed in America since 1947: (1) Jacksons' Mill Industrial Arts Curriculum Theory in 1981 (which divides human's skills into four systems-communication, transportation, construction, and manufacturing), (2) A Conceptual Framework for Technology Education in 1990 (which divides technology knowledge into four systems: communication, transportation, production, and bio-related technologies), and (3) the essential elements of technology systems proposed by the following scholars (which includes tool, material, energy, information, human resource, and procedure) to create a new collecting method, which divides the ”technology” into seven classes: communication technology, transportation technology, construction technology, manufacturing technology, production technology, bio-related technology, scientific experiment, and interdisciplinary technology. Based on its contained elements, each class can be further divided into the second and third level. This study attempted to apply this framework into NSTM collections, to hope to establish a more appropriate classification structure for the museum's objects, and to make a reference for making future collection policies.


museum collection classification


行政院主計處編印(2012)。中華民國行業標準分類(第9 次編訂)。臺北市,行政院主計處。
