  • 期刊


Physiological Tests before and after Surgery in a Case of Cerebellopontine Angle Epidermoid Cyst


顱內的表皮樣囊腫通常發生於小腦橋腦角,而以頭痛及相關的神經症狀來表現。本科近來經驗一例,以頭痛、顏面木感、聽力喪失、及眩暈為主訴。術前的生理檢查顯示:2kHz dip型感音型重聽,聽性腦幹反應第V波消失,兩側性注視眼振,溫差測驗異常,前庭誘發肌性電位呈陰性。核磁共振掃描,證實為一小腦橋腦角腫瘤,病理報告為表皮樣囊腫。術後追蹤的生理檢查,包括聽力檢查、聽性腦幹反應、注視眼振檢查、溫差測驗,及前庭誘發肌性電位檢查,全部均回復正常。故推斷本症所造成之神經學症狀,乃腫瘤壓迫所致,而非神經直接受犯引起。


Epidermoid cyst is a rare intracranial tumor. It often occurs in the cerebellopontine angle presenting with headache and some neurological symptoms. Herein, we report a 21 year-old who suffered from headache, facial numbness, hearing loss, and vertigo, Pre-operative physiological studies including audiometry, auditory brainstem response, gaze nystagmus test, caloric test, and vestibular evoked myogenic potentials all revealed abnormal results on the left side. Cerebellopontine angle tumor was disclosed by MRI examination, and epidermoid cyst was confirmed after histopathological examination. Follow- up physiological studies after surgery showed normal results. This indicates that epidermoid cyst may affect cranial nerves V and VIII by tumor compression not by tumor infiltration.
