  • 期刊


Prevalence of ADHD in an Elementary School Sample of Taiwanese Children in Taichung


目的:注意力不足過動症為兒童青少年精神科門診常見的疾患,其核心症狀包括無法集中注意力、無法控制衝動、和持續的過動行為。注意力不足過動症造成學童課業上、人際互動上的困擾。注意力不足過動症,常和併其他兒童青少年精神問題,如違抗疾患、品行疾患、學習障礙等。合併症可造成學童不同的障礙、病程和治療計畫。但是國內仍然缺乏以常用之DSM-IV診斷標準作盛行率統計的研究,本研究的目的在於評估臺灣注意力不足過動症學童的盛行率、合併症和障礙程度。材料與方法:針對台中市西屯某國小一、二年級學童作為篩檢的對象,以兒童活動量表(分家長用和教師用)作為篩檢工具,回收之有效問卷共三百六十二份,並以SPSS和Excel對樣本作統計分析,共篩檢出二十七個學童,並逐一以電話和家長進一步會談,以DSM-IV標準卻鄧學童注意力不足過動症後群之診斷和合併症。結果本研究三百六十二個個案中,共有二十七人為高危險群,有三人無法聯絡上家長,電話訪談其中二十四人之家長,依家長之描述和問卷中之資料所得,二十四人中有二十人已達DSM-IV中注意力不足過動症混合型之診斷標準,假設高危險群中未訪談的個案達注意力不足過動症的比例和受訪者相當,初步估計注意力不足過動症後群盛行率約6.3%,有相當比例的個案合併其他問題,但因個案數不足難以估計其共病率。結論: 本研究顯示臺灣學童有相當之比例患有注意力不足過動症,此結果可做為教育單位和醫療單位之參考。(慈濟醫學2003; 15:163-167)


Objective: ADHD is a very common disorder in the child-adolescent psychiatric clinic. It's core s/s include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD is associated with significant impairment in academic function and interpersonal relationships and, when combined with other disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, or learning disability, requires different treatment approaches. However, a prevalence study of ADHD using DSM-IV is still lacking in Taiwan. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and comorbid conditions of ADHD among school children in Taiwan. Materials and Methods: Three hundred sixty-two elementary school students from 6 to 9 years old were screened using parents and teachers behavior rating scales. SPSS and Excel were used to analyze the results. Twenty-seven students were in the high risk group for ADHD. We then administered a structured telephone interview to high risk cases to confirm the diagnoses of ADHD and comorbidity. Results: Among twenty-seven high risk children, twenty children's parents were interviewed. Twenty children met DSM-IV criteria of ADHD based on parents' information and data collected by the questionnaire. The prevalence of ADHD was estimated to be 6.3%. The comorbidity rate with other disorders seemed to be high but it was limited to a small group of high risk cases. Conclusions: The results indicated that ADHD may be quite prevalent among Taiwanese school children in grade 1 and grade 2. Population based studies are needed to establish educational and medical intervention for ADHD children in Taiwan. (Tzu Chi Med J 2003; 15:163-167)


Chuang, Y. T. (2015). 注意力不足過動症與城鄉的關聯性 [master's thesis, Taipei Medical University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6831/TMU.2015.00027
