  • 期刊

A Comparative Study with Intracavernous Injection of Prostaglandin E1 versus Papaverine for the Diagnostic Assessment of Erectile Impotence



陰莖海綿體注射血管活動性藥物對於陽萎的診斷和治療是一個很有價值且重要的方法。我們對60位陽萎病人前後分別施予前列腺素E1和罌粟鹼的海綿體注射,然後比較兩種藥物之效果及副作用。 60位病人中,有51位(85.0%)對前列腺素E1呈現陽性反應,而只有39位(65.0%)對罌粟鹼呈陽性反應,這顯示出前列腺素E1有較強的血管效用。陰莖海綿體注射藥物後,陰莖達到最好的勃起狀況所需之時間分別為前列腺素E1 9.6分鐘,而罌粟鹼為6.5分鐘。海線體注射藥物,陰莖勃起維持的時間分別為前列腺素E1 53.2分鐘,而罌粟鹼為38.6分鐘。兩種藥物並無引起全身性的副作用,但在前列腺素E1組,有3個病人表示打針處會痛,2個表示陰莖有燒灼感;而罌粟鹼組,有21個打針處痛,4個發生持象性陰莖勃起,2個陰莖有燒灼感。 此篇研究結果顯示出前列腺素E1有較強的血管效用,適當的陰莖勃起時間及較少的副作用,因此在診斷陽萎方面,前列腺素E1是一種較理想的藥物。




The intracavernous injection of vasoactive drugs is a valuatble diagnostic aid and an important tool for the treatment of erectile failure. A comparative study with intracavernous injection of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and papaverine was performed in 60 patients with impotence. We evaluated the efficiency and side effects of both agents. The overall positive response rate was 85.0% in the PGE1 group and 65.0% in the papaverine group which suggests PGE1 has a stronger vascular effect. The mean onset of maximal erection was after 9.6 minutes in the PGE1 group and after 6.5 minutes in the papaverine group. The mean maintenance of erection was for 53.2 minutes in the PGE1 group and for 38.6 minutes in the papaverine group. There were no systemic side effects of either agent. Three in stances of injection pain and 2 of burning sensation in the penis were noted in the PGE1 group, While in the papaverine group, the were 21 reports of injection pain, 4 of prolonged erection and 2 of burning sensation in the penis. These results suggest that PGE1 is a more desirable vasoactive alternative for the diagnosis of impotence.


prostaglandin E1(PGE1) papaverine impotence
