  • 期刊


A Study on Disaster Emergency Communications in Countries


「災害緊急通訊系統」(Disaster Emergency Communications,簡稱DEC)是災害緊急應變的核心機制之一。「災害緊急通訊系統」不僅是提供政府內部應變的重要資訊管道,也是面對新聞媒體及提供廣大民眾災害資訊需求的重要機制。今(2009)年八八水災的教訓,再度證明,「災害緊急通訊系統」失靈,災情無法即時掌控、救災資源無法迅速調度、機關間無法有效聯繫協調、媒體任意宣染、民眾恐慌不安,結果不但影響政府救災決策,更可能癱瘓整個政府機制,造成重大政治危機!重大災害發生時,通訊需求爆增,造成一般通信網絡癱瘓,也是美國、英國、日本等先進國家急欲克服的難題。本文將探討美、英、日、中、及我國的災害緊急通訊機制,比較分析其特點,並提出改善建議。


Disaster Emergency Communications (DEC) is one of the core mechanism for disaster response. DEC not only an critical information channel for the government, but also an key path for news media and the general public. the typhoon Morakot flood in 2009 to prove again that DEC is the key for government to response a major disasters . If the DEC can not be activated just in time, then disaster relief resources can not be quickly dispatching, inter-institutional linkages can not be effectively coordinated, the media declared advocacy, people panic anxiety, the result will not only affect the government's disaster relief policy, even more likely to paralyze the entire government mechanism and cause a major political crisis! It becomes a critical challenge that the public communication networks may destroy in disaster. In this article will explore the United States, Britain, Japan, China, and Taiwan's DEC systems. A DEC's comparative analysis and recommendations will be offered also.


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