  • 期刊


The Study on the Optimization of Personnel Management Process via the Instant Message Replying System


在科技進步成熟時代,人們對於網路速度更加追求與講究,尤其在4G的網路時代裡融合了教育、交通等行業,寬頻無線化和網際網路亦逐漸滲透至我們生活周遭帶給我們生活更加便利。本研究運用Google Form表單導入App Inventor 2之程式並開發App手機程式軟體,結合Google Sheets試算表並使用Google Sheets試算表內建工具之指令編碼器進行撰寫程式且與Line Notify通知系統進行結合,使用Line Notify傳送表單內回應之資料可在行動裝置中讀取內容且經實測當App送出資料至Line Notify通知經過實測傳輸速度可達0.467秒。在人員方面運用此即時傳輸方法解決了出席或缺曠問題,同時在生產管理方面解決了過去傳統的下單模式,使下單方式更加簡單化與快速,亦在人員管理方面解決傳統電話請假方式,改善請假的方便性,研究成果除了訓練不同軟體間之整合外,亦可提供給相關業界參考使用。


In the mature era of scientific and technological progress, people are more pursuit of network speed and pay attention to, especially in the 4G network era, the integration of education, transportation and other industries, broadband wireless and the Internet is gradually infiltrated into our life around to bring us more convenient life. Therefore, the study used a Google Form and App Inventor 2 to develop a new mobile application. Combine the new App with Google Sheets encoder to write the program which connects Line Notify notification system. It only takes 0.467 seconds to inform data to Line users. Users can also use the system to solve the management of attendance problems. We change the methods of taking days off, improving the convenience of it. The research results integrate different software and also provide as a references to related industries.


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