  • 期刊

A Constructivist Study on Taiwanese College EFL Learners' Listening Strategies



語言習得是一個牽涉廣泛且複雜的過程。每位學生都希望在這過程裡發展出可以有效地與他人溝通的語言知識、技能與相關經驗。聽力在語言學習四項主要領域裡,有其開啟並引導學生必要的互動的功能與特色。奧斯佛(1993)認為聽力的培養是語言習得最重要的能力之一。在第二外語習得發展過程,聽力更提供學生在外語能力養成過程的一個關鍵性的平台(Krashen & Terrell, 1983; Feyten, 1991)。 本計畫研究目的在了解台灣的科技大學學生如何運用英語聽力學習策略,希望經由量化的統計研究與質性觀察,此項研究可以深入了解學生的英語聽力學習行為與相關反應。 建構式學習理論主張有效的語言學習,建立於完整的語言環境,這社會互動導向的環境包括學生、同儕、老師、家長和其他參與人士的互動。基於建構式學習觀點,此研究結果顯示性別差異和學生英語能力程度跟學生如何使用英語學習策略有關。本研究結果更指出台灣學生需要更多的互動和真實的英語環境,以提供有效的聽與說的語言溝通練習和實用機會。在有限的英語學習環境與東西方語言差異下,參與本研究計畫的台灣科技院校學生所使用的英語聽力策略仍侷限在相關的因素與範圍裡。希望本研究蒐集的資料和提出的研究結果,在未來可以提供相關學者、教師、教育決策當局以及課程設計與實施相關人員一個有建設性的參考方向。


Language learning is a complicated process that develops linguistic knowledge, skills, and experiences for learners to enable them to communicate effectively with others. Among the four aspects of language learning, listening initiates the interactive activity necessary for the learner to respond to an interlocutor. Oxford (1993) maintains that listening is one of the most important language skills; it can be viewed as a fundamental contributor to developing skills and competencies. In the acquisition of a second language, ”listening comprehension ability plays a crucial role” (Krashen & Terrell, 1983; Feyten, 1991) as it helps provide the necessary platform on which learning a foreign language is built. This study aims to understand how Taiwanese EFL learners at the universities of technology use listening strategies. It is hoped that our study will help deepen our understanding of listening strategies through quantitative statistical observations and qualitative natural inquiries of the participants' listening behaviors and responses. Constructivism implies that effective language learning is built on the total language environment, including peer learners, teachers, parents and others in the language surroundings. Grounding in constructivist perspective, the findings of the study show that differences of gender and English language proficiency are, in fact, significantly correlated. The results also indicate that there is a lack of opportunities for learners to merge in interactive and authentic environments. Significantly, the participants were found to use the listening strategies that are related to factors in a defined EFL context. Hopefully, our data will provide researchers, practitioners and policy-makers a direction and references that are essential in planning and implementing EFL curriculum.


