  • 期刊


The Will and Record of a Literatus-Ke Qihua's Writing Experience in the Jail of Huoshao Island


筆名為明哲詩人的柯旗化,台灣高雄左營人,一九二九-二○○二年,是笠詩刊的成員之一,曾因政治犯身份被捕入獄兩次。兩次入獄痛苦經驗,也因此為台灣監獄文學豐厚的創作內容。其已出版關於監獄文學的作品跨越了新詩、小說及回憶錄三種文類;尚未出版及整理出來的則有獄中家書。 我們先就他的名字來看柯旗化這一人這一生。柯旗化,其母為旗山人,其父為善化人,他是長子,其名便各取一字,故其名為「旗化」。所以柯旗化的成長曆程,即是以台灣南部為其成長環境,爾後其文學創作,便以台灣南部人土風情,為其創作時空背景。 其第一本詩歌創作作品《鄉土的呼喚》,共分為五部,〈第一部・故鄉之歌〉寫出他對故鄉的情感;〈第二部・呻吟與夢魘〉與〈第三部・大龍與小丑〉,是他觀察到的官場現形記,對於政府魚肉鄉民充滿諷諭的手法,對於外來的政權,是不假辭色地嚴厲以對,且對外來政權灑下的漫天大謊,更以強硬的文字語言回擊;〈第四部・綠島之歌〉顯然地就是直接反映於他在獄中的所思所感;〈第五部・自由的歌聲〉則是他重獲自由,出獄歸鄉之作。《鄉土的呼喚》可謂是一部知識份子對於時事給予針砭外,也是身為一名台灣本土知識份子良心的呼喚。 《母親的悲願》收綠了十六首中文詩,台語詩四首,日文詩十七首,英文詩十六首,總共五十三首。內容則較集中地描寫台灣與自己曆經過的白色恐怖時代的描述。但其中部分詩作已發表在《鄉土的呼喚》詩集中。 本論文專文討論柯旗化的「監獄文學」。第一、第二部分,分別討論柯旗化的獄中詩作及獄中小說,第三部份則探討他的回憶綠。藉由柯旗化的文學作品來探索他獄中經驗及其人生觀發生的轉變。


The shifting history of Taiwan's literature has always been influenced by political environment, dating from the Japanese occupation to the Nationalist's retreat to Taiwan. This paper is an attempt to explore Mr. Ke Qihua's literary works completed during prison time in the period so-called ”White Terror”. As an educator and poet, Mr. Ke included many poems in two major collections: Crying from the Homeland and Grievous Wishes of the Mother. Hometown of the Southern State is an autobiographical novel which is full of his philosophy and logics as well as political inclinations. Ke's poems are pragmatic in style yet abundant in manifesting levels of thinking. Although limited in number, Ke's poems are unique and contemporary, in particular his demonstration of moral fortitude of the literati. The spirit of ”crying out to die rather than silencing to live” he has shown is exactly the spirit and value of Taiwan's prison literature. By studying his works, the author intends to delve into the cored values and paradigms for ”the history of Taiwan's prison literature”.


