  • 期刊


The Qi Domain's Perspective: An Analysis of Several Important Developments in the Transition from the Chu- Han Conflict to the Early Han




楚漢之際 齊國視角 田橫 蒯通 韓信 曹參


This study analyzes the period between the fall of the Qin and the rise of the Han from the perspective of the Qi 齊 domain, seeking to determine the role Qi played in this momentous historical event. In contrast to traditional studies, which focus exclusively on the Guanzhong 關中 area, the use of this perspective sheds light on the interaction between local and central authorities from a different point of view. In addition to the traditional perspective of “inside (central) to outside (local),” the adoption of the Qi domain's perspective reveals how the operation of central and local authorities influenced historical development. This article begins by discussing why the Qi domain had the power to play an important role at this decisive historical moment. It then advances a new interpretation of the historical changes that took place in the transition between the Chu-Han conflict and the early Han by analyzing three important incidents that occurred in Qi. This analysis highlights the importance of Qi, sheds light on the propriety of the actions of the Tian brothers and Han Xin 韓信, and explicates the effects of Cao Shen 曹參's conduct as prime minister. In addition, the traditional explanation for these events, which focused on the central authorities in Guanzhong, is reinterpreted from a different point of view. The article concludes that Qi's extraordinary natural environment and strong sense of community enabled the domain to remain independent and isolated in troubled times, and that Qi's unique circumstances are worthy of historical inquiry.


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