  • 期刊


The Original Manuscript of Notitia linguæ sinicæ in the British Library and Manuscript Copies, Circulation, and Contents|Le manuscrit original du Notitia linguæ sinicæ de la Bibliothèque britannique, des copies dudit manuscrit, de leur circulation et de leurs contenus|大英図書館所蔵『漢語劄記』オリジナル原稿と原稿数、流通、内容|Das Originalmanuskript von Notitia linguæ sinicæ in der British Library und seine Publikations- und Rezeptionsgeschichte


法國耶穌會士馬若瑟(Joseph Prémare, 1666-1736)在十七世紀末抵達中國,開始傳道;十八世紀初被清廷流放於廣州時,撰寫了《漢語劄記》(Notitia linguæ sinicæ)一書,希望透過它幫助洋人學習漢語。此書完成後,馬氏將稿本寄回巴黎,請傅爾蒙(Étienne Fourmont, 1683-1745)替他在歐洲刊行。可惜所托非人,出版願望要在一個世紀後才得以在亞洲實現。近年來中外學者對《漢語劄記》的不同稿本和刊本頗感興趣,在此課題的各個範疇裡發表了不少文章甚至專著,補充早年主要出自外國漢學家相當豐富的論述。根據相關的一手和二手資料,本文首先重新梳理第一份原始稿本的背景歷史,然後審閲現藏於大英圖書館的另一份原始稿本,並就稿本數量、流傳歷史及稿本內容的幾個問題,提出一些發現和觀點,充實或修改現有著作在這些方面的結論。


French Jesuit Joseph Premare (1666-1736) arrived in China in the late 17th century as a missionary; and in the early 18th century, while exiled to Canton by the Qing court, he drafted Notitia linguæ sinicæ, his magnum opus intended to help Europeans learn Chinese. His hope to have this published in Europe was realized a century later and only in Asia, partly due to efforts to sabotage it by Etienne Fourmont (1683-1745), to whom Premare had sent the manuscript. In recent years, scholars East and West have shown interest in the various manuscripts and publications of the work and have issued articles and even monographs with different approaches to this topic, supplementing the already rich studies of earlier, mostly Western, sinologists. This paper first sorts out the history surrounding the original manuscript sent to Fourmont; then examines the original manuscript currently held by the British Library; and offers alternative views and fills knowledge gaps in past studies by Henri Cordier (1849-1925), Knud Lundbak (1912-1995) and Li Zhen 李真 on various aspects of manuscript studies related to this work. Specifically, this paper 1. concludes that the British Library manuscript is not an incomplete version of the one received by Fourmont, as contended in earlier research, but fragments of a distinct third manuscript; 2. deduces that this British manuscript comes between the copy received by Fourmont, i.e., the most recent, and that which is currently held in the Bibliotheque nationale de France, i.e., the oldest; 3. identifies Francois Montigny (1669-1742) as the earlier owner of the British manuscript, before it was owned by Heinrich Julius Klaproth (1783-1835), and then purchased by the British Museum; and 4. suggests that the British manuscript can enrich the known texts of this work, with a new chapter and some improvements, and can provide a better manuscript for a possible new translation of the book.|Le jesuite francais Joseph Premare (1666-1736) arriva en Chine a la fin du XVIIe siecle pour evangeliser la population. Lorsqu'il fut exile a Guangzhou, il redigea le Notitia linguæ sinicæ dans l'attention d'aider les Europeens a apprendre le mandarin. Le manuscrit acheve, Premare l'expedia a Paris et demanda a Etienne Fourmont (1683-1745) de le publier. Mais il fallut attendre un siecle pour voir l'apparition de cet ouvrage en Asie. La premiere partie de cet article presente le cadre historique du premier manuscrit avant d'en examiner un autre qui se trouve a la Bibliotheque britannique. Par la suite, l'auteur expose de nouvelles decouvertes et son point de vue sur des questions concernant le nombre de copies de ce manuscrit, leur circulation et leur contenu. Cet article apporte des elements qui permettent d'enrichir ou rectifier les etudes anterieures.|フランスのイエズス会修道士プレマール(馬若瑟、1666-1736)は、十七世紀末中国に着いて伝道を行い、十八世紀末、清朝政府に広州へ追放された時、『漢語劄記』を書いた。プレマールは西洋人の中国語の習得に役立てるために書いたこの本を完成後すぐにパリに送り、フルモン(傅爾蒙、1683-1745)にヨーロッパで刊行することを頼んだ。しかし、この願いが実現されたのは残念ながら一世紀後のアジアであった。本稿では、まず改めて初出のオリジナル原稿の歴史的背景を整理し、現在、大英図書館に所蔵されているもう一つのオリジナル原稿を精読し、原稿の数、流通の歴史、原稿内容の複数の問題について考察し、幾つかの発見と視点を提示する。そして、先行研究の補充と修正を行う。|Dieser Artikel diskutiert die Rezeptionsgeschichte des Originalmanuskripts der Notitia linguæ sinicæ von Joseph Premare (1666-1736) in der British Library. Der franzosische Jesuit Premare weilte im spaten 17. und fruhen 18. Jahrhundert in China, wo er im Exil in Canton die Notitia linguæ sinicæ, sein magnum opus, verfasste. Dieses Werk wurde, entgegen seiner durch Etienne Fourmont (1683-1745), dem er das Manuskript gesandt hatte, sabotierten Hoffnung, in Europa publiziert zu werden, erst ein Jahrhundert spater in Asien veroffentlicht. In diesem Artikel werden die Geschichte der verschiedenen Originalmanuskripte, besonders desjenigen in der British Library und die Transmissionsgeschichte weiterer Manuskripte diskutiert; wichtige Lucken in the Rezeptionsgeschichte der Notitia und ihrer Forschungsgeschichte werden gefullt.


Stumpf, Kilian, Paul Rule & Claudia von Collani (eds.). The Acta Pekinensia or Historical Records of the Maillard de Tournon Legation. Leiden: Koninklijke Brill, 2019. doi: 10.1163/9789004396579
《綸音特典》Lunyin tedian,法國國家圖書館藏清康熙年間刊本 Faguo guojia tushuguan cang Qing Kangxi nianjian kanben。
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馬若瑟 Joseph Prémare,《經傳議論》Jingzhuan yilun,法國國家圖書館藏清康熙四十九年 (1710) 稿本 Faguo guojia tushuguan cang Qing Kangxi sishijiu nian (1710) gaoben,MS Chinois 7164。
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