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Integrating BIM and Simulation for Construction Scheduling


近年來,工程實務界與學術界積極推動建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling;BIM)之運用,其中包括將BIM模型與工程進度排程的結合,建立所謂的4D模型,亦即透過3D視覺化的方式,以協助工程進度之管理,然目前以BIM之3D架構為基礎的4D模型並尚未善用BIM之功能。本研究提出一個整合BIM與營建電腦模擬之進度規劃模式,此模式以BIM所提供鋼筋模板與混凝土等數量計算為基礎,轉入現場工地層次之營建電腦模擬內,根據工程數量計算結果與施工工率,協助計算各現場工作(task-level)之工作時間,並考量人力與機具資源間之競爭以及考量工作時間之不確定性,分析整體專案工程所需的完成時間,再由電腦模擬結果轉出以施工作業層次(activity-level)展現之工程進度表,最後再與BIM的3D構件結合,形成4D視覺化的產出。本研究透過一件實際案例的測詴後,驗證所提模式之可行性。


Numerous construction practitioners and researchers have been devoted to exploring the potential applications of Building Information Model (BIM). Developing a four-dimensional (4D) model by linking the BIM's three-dimensional (3D) components with activities from the schedule has been recognized as a promising application. However, the current BIM-based 4D model is lmited in not using BIM's capabilities effectively. This study proposes a new model by using the BIM’s quantity take-off results in building structure components (such as reinforcing rebar, form, and concrete) to support site-level construction simulation and then generate an activity-level project schedule. The resulted project schedule is then linked to the BIM components for 4D animation. Site-level resource competitions (such as crews and forms) and uncertainties of task durations are incorporated into the construction simulation. The proposed model is applied to a reinforced concrete building project located in northern Taiwan. The application results have demonstrated the model strengths.
