  • 期刊


The Health-Preserving Construction and Industrial Development of Yam: An Example of Yam Festival in New Taipei City




Health-preserving means promoting health of body and mind and its purpose is consistent with preventive medicine. Yam, the real name of Chinese yam, is one of the earliest edible plants of mankind. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" calls it "good kidney function, health spleen and stomach, stop diarrhea, remove phlegm, and moisturized skin and hair", and the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" points it "treat injury, remove cold and evil, force supplement and benefit muscles." Yam is a Chinese herb for improve weakness and health spleen, which is the most used remedy for traditional Chinese medicine from the past. In recent years, the government has encouraged the development of local industries. Shuangxi is located in the edge of the New Taipei City metropolitan area. New Taipei City is the largest production of native Keelung yam in Taiwan, and the only annual city that hosts a yam master competition benefit from the natural environment including the fertile soil and suitable weather. Though, the purpose of the study is to investigate the characteristics of Yam Festival in New Taipei City and further analysis the connotation of health-preserving and industry from the view point of Yam Festival through literature collation and field surveys. The study showed that the most important ingredient of yam, diosgenin, can regulate many physiological functions of the body. This may be the reason why yam is widely used to regulate many deficiency syndromes. The content of diosgenin in Taiwan wild species native Kelong yam is second only to Brazilian yam around all the yam varieties. Native Keelung yam is an important and unique variety of the promotion of Yam Festival and local leisure and sightseeing in New Taipei City because special wild planting method, appearance, fleshy mucus and taste after cooking. The various suits of Yam Festival in New Taipei City made the participants have a deep experience about the health-preserving of yam that produce a positive impact on the construction of health-preserving and the development of the industry.


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