  • 期刊


The Soul of the State: On Carl Schmitt's Concept of Sovereignty




史密特 主權 國家 憲法 政治 決斷


The state was for Thomas Hobbes an ”artificial man” and sovereignty its ”artificial soul”. Carl Schmitt also called the constitution in absolute sense the ”soul of the state”. Is there any difference between these two ”souls” of the state? The aim of this paper is to explore Carl Schmitt's concept of sovereignty in connection with this metaphor. I will (1) affirm that fundamental problem of the concept of sovereignty is the connection of actual power with the legally highest power, namely the connection of highest right with the highest power. For such a concept of sovereignty presupposes the concept of state which again presupposes that of the political, I will therefore (2) investigate the genesis of state and it's authority through explaining the relationship between these concepts. I will than (3) deal with the problem sovereignty as a problem of the legal form and argue that the legal form of sovereignty is decision. In order to emphasize the actual significance of Schmitt's concept of sovereignty I will now (4) try to find out the features which fit the type of sovereignty of a modern constitutional state through Schmitt's ”sociology of the concept of sovereignty”. Finally I will (5) focus on the concept of constitution in absolute sense of Schmitt's Verfassungslehre to analyze the relationship between state, constitution and sovereignty in order to offer an scheme for us to think about our related political issues in Taiwan.


Schmitt Sovereignty State Constitution The Political Decision


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Rumpf, Helmut(1972).(Carl Schmitt und Thomas Hobbes).
Schmitt, Carl(1987).(Der Begriff des Politischen).
Schmitt, Carl(1995).(Der Leviathan in der Staatslehre des Thomas Hobbes).
Schmitt, Carl(1917).(Der Wert des Staates und die Bedeutung des Einzelnen).


鍾芳樺(2006)。國家與法作為人民的自我組織:論威瑪時代Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt與Hermann Heller對法最終證立問題的分析〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.01554
