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An Improvement Project to Reduce the Rate of Specimens Rejection in Emergency Room




急診 檢體採集 退件率


The quality of emergency specimen collection has a huge impact on the patient diagnosis and treatment. However, the rejection rate of specimen collected in the emergency room was high due to high number of patients, high specimen volume, and variety of specimen containers and collection methods. The rejection rate of emergency room specimens in this institution was nearly 50 times higher than the rest of the hospital. Main reasons included lack of the knowledge among nurses, lack of the standard procedure on specimens' collection, lack of remind information for specific specimens, a regular audit program, and lack of ice container for storage and transportation of specimens. The purpose of this project was to improve nursing staffs' knowledge and skills on proper specimen collection to reduce the rejection rate of emergency specimens. Intervention included: (1) designed training plan and standard procedures on specimens collection, (2) conducted group in-service training, (3) developed slogan to enhance the nurses' memory, (4) used poster to illustrate proper container selection, (5) used unique symbols to indicate specific test items, (6) conducted audits, and (7) added ice bottle on the trolley. The results showed that the nurses' knowledge on specimen collection improved from 64.3% to 98.7%, the accuracy of specimen collection procedures increased from 80.9% to 96.1%, and the rejection rate of emergency specimens reduced from 2.4% to 0.02%. This project successfully increased the accuracy of knowledge and execution procedure related to specimens collection and reduce the rejection rate of emergency specimens.


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