  • 期刊


Exploring the Population Characteristics of Children with Developmental Delay and Their Family Circumstances and Family Function


目的:發展遲緩兒童的健康與發展,依靠家庭的照護與支持。雖然國內外研究指出家庭相關的風險特性可能影響遲緩孩童的健康照護,然而過去研究多半缺乏完整性的調查;又隨著外籍配偶組成的新移民家庭數量增加,國內研究鮮少探討新移民與台灣家庭之間的差異。因此,本研究旨在探討發展遲緩兒童家庭族群的特性、家庭情形及家庭功能,以及比較新移民與台灣家庭的差異。方法:本研究共計招募152位發展遲緩兒童,受訪者包括30組新移民家庭和122組台灣家庭家長。受試者排除條件如下:(1)兒童診斷為先天疾病(如染色體異常、早產、肌肉骨骼異常、體重過輕…等)以致必定會有發展遲緩情形者;(2)主要照顧者顯示為精神障礙、疾病嚴重或中文程度無法理解與填寫量表內容者。受試者需填寫基本資料調查表、照顧者負荷量表、親職壓力量表簡式版/親子互動失調分量表、家庭功能量表。使用描述性統計分析家庭族群特性概況。以皮爾森相關係數、點二系列相關係數分析族群特性因子與問卷表現的相關性。獨立樣本T檢定、卡方檢定、曼-惠特尼U檢定檢查兩組在人口學特性及家庭情形、家庭功能的差異。結果:家庭族群的特性結果顯示健康狀況為患病的母親則愈感負荷(r= .259, p= .001);母親的年齡越大,愈感負荷(r= .197, p= .006);父親每週照顧的天數越多,親子關係愈差(r= .283, p= .036)。收入愈高的家庭,其家庭功能愈好(r= .193, p= .017);其餘變項則未達顯著相關。家庭情形的結果顯示有28.9%的發展遲緩兒童家庭在照顧者負荷量表分數達壓力性負荷;親職壓力量表簡式版/親子互動失調分量表有23.7%的家庭達高度親子互動失調。家庭功能的結果顯示家庭功能量表的平均得分為94.42(SD = 27.75)。比較新移民家庭與台灣家庭在照顧者負荷量表、親職壓力量表簡式版/親子互動失調分量表、家庭功能量表的分數皆無達到顯著差異;僅照顧者負荷量表接近顯著差異(p= .055)。結論:發展遲緩兒童家庭中的主要照顧者特性以及其所處環境、社經條件會影響家庭情形與家庭功能。研究結果顯示家庭運作產生問題的關鍵可能不在於新移民家庭,而是家庭整體的經濟條件與環境資源較為弱勢,建議相關單位投注資源的重點應放在弱勢家庭。


The purposes of this study were: (1) to explore the population characteristics of the families of children with developmental delay; (2) to investigate their family circumstances and family function; (3) to compare the differences between new immigrant families and Taiwan local families; and (4) to explore the correlation between population characteristics and questionnaire performance. Caregivers of 152 children were recruited, including 30 new immigrant families and 122 Taiwan local families. Participants were asked to complete the demographic data, caregiver strain index, parenting stress index/short form and family function scale. Independent sample t-test, chi-squared test, and Mann-Whitney U Test were conducted to examine group differences in the study variables. The Pearson correlation coefficient and Point-biserial correlation were performed to identify associated factors with family features. The results showed that mothers in bad health condition reported more caregiver strain (p = .001), the older mothers also felt more caregiver strain (p = .006), father spent more time per week to take care of children, the poorer parent-child relationship (p = .036), higher income families have greater family function (p = .017); however, there were no significant differences in other characteristics between two groups. These findings indicate that some family characteristics affected family circumstances and family function. Clinicians should pay more attention on the whole family situation when interacting with families. In addition, these finsings show that family function problems may not lie in new immigrant families, but overall economic conditions and environmental resources are more vulnerable.


