  • 期刊


A Training Demand Assessments on the Activities of Daily Living for Chronic Psychiatric Patients in a Community Rehabilitation Center


目的:探討某社區復健中心學員日常生活活動之訓練需求(包括:電話使用、上街購物、食物烹調、家務維持、洗衣服、外出、服用藥物、處理財務等八項),以作為擬定個別化復健計畫之參考。方法:收集中區某療養院附設社區復健中心新收案學員45名為研究對象,使用工具性日常生活活動量表為研究工具,職能治療師依該工具評估學員之訓練需要,面談學員及以電話訪談家屬之訓練需求,並同時採計職能治療師評估之訓練需要及學員與家屬需求評估結果為訓練需求。結果:治療師評估的訓練需要,八項中以家務維持、食物烹調、上街購物、服用藥物、處理財務五項之訓練需要較高,60%以上學員有訓練需要,其中又以家務維持與食物烹調等兩項最高,80%以上學員有訓練需要;訓練需要程度以食物烹調48.91%為最高、其次處理財務為35.56%;學員訓練需求比例最高者為食物烹調佔55.6%,其次是家務維持及處理財務皆佔13.3%;家屬訓練需求比例最高者為食物烹調佔44.4%,其次依序為家務維持佔20.0%,服用藥物佔13.3%;加權後訓練需求程度最高者為食物烹調達29.62%,顯著高於其他七項,其次為財務處理6.67%、家務處理5.62%;八項訓練需要程度與需求程度比較結果,差距最少為使用電話9.56%、最多為處理財務28.89%,p < .001皆達顯著差異。結論:樣本社區復健中心同時採計治療師評估之訓練需要及學員和家屬之需求評估,當成學員之訓練需求,並依訓練需求項目提供個別復健計畫,如針對需求最高之食物烹調提供烹飪團體,在此團體中學員之出席率及參與度也相對高,顯示此訓練項目確實符合學員的需求;另由於職能治療師評估之訓練需要與學員及家屬之訓練需求項目有差異,故建議未來職能治療師評估日常生活活動訓練需求時需考慮學員及家屬需求,以提供符合學員需求之訓練項目。


Objective: This research aimed to explore the training demands of the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) for the members in a community rehabilitation center. The findings will be the references for setting up individualized rehabilitation plans. Methods: There were 45 participants in this research, and data were collected with the questionnaire of the instrumental activities of daily living. Based on the findings from responses of the questionnaire, and face to face interviews, phone interviews, the occupational therapist defined these conclusions as the training demands for the members. Results: The findings were found that there were 60% of participants who had the training needs, it reflected on the five aspects of housekeeping, cooking, shopping, taking medicine, and handling finances. Especially on the housekeeping and cooking aspects were highest which were 80% of participants had training needs. Moreover, the cooking aspect was the highest (48.91%) on the level of training needs, and the handling finances being the next (35.56%) from the participants. In addition, among these aspects of training demands of participants, the cooking aspect was the highest (55.6%), and the housekeeping and handling finances were the secondary (13.3% & 13.3%). The training demands from participants' family, there were showed the cooking aspect was the highest (44.4%), and the next was the housekeeping (20%), the lower one was the taking medicine aspect (13.3%). After instrument of statistics weighting, the cooking aspect had significant highest than others on the level of training demands (29.62%, p < .001). The aspects of handling finances (6.67%), and housekeeping (5.62%) were the next. Compared to the eight aspects of level of training needs and training demands, it had significant difference on these aspects (p < .001). The using telephone aspect was existed least difference (9.56%), the largest one was belonged to handling finances aspect (28.89%). Conclusion: This study displayed the findings that can meet the demands of the participants' daily life and set up the individualized rehabilitation plans well which were based on the training needs and training demands assessments of those participants and families from the occupational therapist. For example, the attendance of those participants in this study will be higher if the community rehabilitation center can provide cooking group in the light of the highest aspect "cooking". Furthermore, this research was suggested that the occupational therapist can consider the needs and demands of the participants and families as the training targets when they do the training demands assessment of daily life for chronic psychiatric patients in the future.
