  • 期刊


A Study on the Dilemma and adaptive of Private Schools - schools, for example in Miaoli County


監察院2002年、2003年、2009年與2014年提出四次糾正文,以及《私立學校法》的公布與實施。監察院糾正文,教育部視若無睹,行政怠惰與監督失能無可卸責;至於後者,針對政府修訂私校法三讀通過遂行,雖有良善美意,然而並非所有下級學校,願意按照政府既定政策與法規遵行,所謂「徒善不足以為政,徒法不能以自行。」未來私校問題正處方興未哀與進退維谷階段。本文透過析論者在學校的參與觀察與田野調查,使用文獻分析與個案研究方法,目的在找出私校執行端面臨的問題或困境,SWOT分析矩陣研擬策略因應,供政府政策規劃單位政策建議。結果顯示,內部困境包括:內部控制形同虛設、董事會紛爭不斷、招生綁聘約;外部困境包括:會計師查核功能不彰、評鑑制度未予落實、主管機關未盡督導之責;外部機會包括:《私立學校法》第71條情事變更、設立海外青年技術專班;與內部優勢:特色招生、競爭性經費申請。針對困境的解決或策略選擇則顯示,主管機關教育部責無旁貸,應負起監督管理不周之責,並提供策略因應:一、增加公益董事之教師共同辦理稽核業務;二、教育部應提高查核密度,公開會計師查核結果;三、落實評鑑機制; 四、釐清董事會與校長之權責;五、不當連結禁止;六、增訂《私立學校法》(第19條之1)。


私立學校 公共性 自主性 困境 因應


The Control Yuan proposed four amendments in 2002, 2003, 2009 and 2014 respectively, and announced as well as implemented the Private Education Law. The Ministry of Education has turned a blind eye to such amendments and was slow in carrying out the administrative processes. The Ministry’s inability to monitor is a result of its failure to carry out its responsibilities. In regard to the latter case, although the government amendment bill related to the Private Education Law passed the third reading and the amendment was with good intentions, not all low-tier schools are willing to abide by the stipulated policies and regulations. The government is likely to find itself in a conundrum when dealing with private education in the future. This study aims to find out the problems and dilemma faced by private schools with the help of literature review and case studies. Analysts will conduct observation and field trips at schools. With the use of SWOT analysis and adaptive strategies, this study will advise government departments on policy making. The result indicates that the internal dilemmas include non-existing internal control, endless disagreements in the board of directors, binding contracts while external dilemmas include accountants failing their functions, unconfirmed grading system, central authority not carrying out its duties. The external opportunities include the changes in article 71 of Private Education Law and the establishment of vocational for overseas youths. The internal advantages are special recruitment and competitive funding application. There are several solutions and possible strategies that can be adopted. The Ministry of Education, which is the central authority, should take up the responsibilities to supervise as well as implement adaptive strategies to this problem. 1. Increase the participation of public interest directors in supervising the business. 2. Increase the frequency of audits and make public the accounting audit reports. 3. Implement the grading system. 4. Clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of the board of directors and the principal. 5. Ban inappropriate exchanges.


Private schools public autonomous dilemma adaptive
