  • 期刊


Historic Memories and Lost History - Recollecting the Painting World of Wang Jianzhang in Fujian in the Late Ming Dynasty




王建章 仿古 福建繪畫 渡日


Wang Jianzhang, a renowned painter in Fujian in the late Ming Dynasty, is often forgotten in the history of Chinese painting. His works were preserved in Japan through two cultural relic movements in the 17th and 18th centuries and in the early 20th century. This paper discusses the style of Wang Jianzhang's paintings, and expounds on the historical significance of Wang Jianzhang's paintings from the aspects of the historical development of painting and the cultural context of the late Ming Dynasty. Paintings in the late Ming Dynasty were influenced by the Jiashen Incident. Under the framework of the remnants' discourse, painters such as Wang Jianzhang were censored. Their artwork was not circulated in China, but rather in Japan where artwork was not restricted by this framework. The uniqueness of Wang Jianzhang's paintings was the "different colors" from those of "literati painting". They were born out of the lavish materialistic lifestyle of the late Ming Dynasty. This paper discusses Wang Jianzhang's style of "free imitation of ancient masters based on the style analysis of "River Flowing into the Sea and Rising Sun" and "Landscapes after Ancient Masters Album". Under the trend of advocating and imitating ancient painting during the late Ming Dynasty, Wang Jianzhang's imitation demonstrated a different pursuit and competitive mentality from those of Dong Qichang's school of imitation painting. Dong Qichang's imitation painting was based on the rich collection of ancient paintings in the southern region of the Yangtze River. In contrast, Wang Jianzhang's openness in his imitation showed the pursuit and achievements in the cultural frontier, Fujian, where the collection was absent. Such an approach was accepted by the Nanga circle in Japan where collection was absent as well. In addition, Wang Jianzhang's pursuit of "free imitation of ancient painting" can also be understood in the context of Huangbo Chan/ Obaku Zen culture. The history of painting was written in the midst of historical changes. The new styles of Wang Jianzhang's artwork and paintings in Fujian in the late Ming Dynasty were missing. This paper may serve as a solution to address the lost history by revisiting the free imitation style in Wang Jianzhang's landscape paintings.


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(清)秦祖永 《桐陰論畫》,二編(1882年序),收在《清人畫學論著》,臺北:世界書局,1978,卷上。
