  • 期刊


Diversity Investigation and Analysis of Woody Plants in High School Campuses of Chu-Shan Township, Nantou County




Plants in campus can provide many functions, such as conserving species, beautifying campuses, cleaning air pollution, and eco-educating students. This investigation recorded 183 species from campuses of 5 high schools in the Chu-Shan Township. They belong to 138 genera and 57 families respectively, comprising 2 species of gymnosperms, 17 species of gymnosperms, 140 species of dicotyledons, and 24 monocotyledons; of which 100 are introduced species, 66 are native, and 17 species are endemic. Most woody species was on campus of Rui-Zhu Junior High School and the least one was on the campus of She-Liao Junior High School. The most observed woody species are Swietenia macrophylla King and Roystonea regia (H. B. K.) O. F. Cook. The results show that the highest percentage of Woody Plant at high schools is alien species (about 57.42 %); followed by native species (33.43 %), and endemic species (9.14%). In order to promote native ecological education, we suggest that schools should give priority to grow native/endemic woody species.


