  • 期刊


Teaching Material Development and Bombycidae Biology Investigation in Xitou and Fenghuang Area, National Taiwan University Experimental Forest


家蠶(Bombyx mori)為重要經濟昆蟲,是民眾廣為熟知的昆蟲之一,由於飼養觀察的便利性,因此被編列在九年一貫課程大綱中,當做自然科學實驗觀察物種。馴化的家蠶已喪失飛行能力,教學飼養週期結束後無法有效妥善處理,本研究希望尋找蠶蛾料(Bombycidae)近緣物種用來替代目前使用的教學用物種,作為日後昆蟲觀察的替代性教材。臺灣中部南投縣在鹿谷鄉的溪頭及鳳凰自然教育園區涵蓋豐富的自然資源,本研究以此園區作為蠶蛾科種類生態調查場域,設4條穿越線,以燈光誘集及翻找寄主植物的方式,尋找蠶蛾科物種的存在,並調查其數量與發生情形。研究期間自2013年1月至2013年10月,共尋獲4屬5種蠶蛾科成員,並建立桑科寄主植物上的其他鱗翅目資源競爭者共6科11種。調查期間尋獲的5種蠶蛾科物種,根據文獻記載之世代性、本研究調查之出現頻率、月份、搜尋難易度、寄主植物取得方便性、可能的海拔分布與飼養難易度、飼育後野放回原棲地的難易度等項目進行評比,評估出最適合作為九年一貫國中小自然觀察的替代性教材之蠶蛾科成員為野蠶蛾Bombyx mandarina formosana。本研究可提供臺灣產5種蠶蛾科成員基礎生態學資料作為替代性教材可行性的參考。


溪頭 鳳凰 蠶蛾科 替代性教材


Silkworm (Bombyx mori) is one of important economical insects. Because silkworm is easy to breed, it has been enlisted in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines as an observed species in the natural science courses. However, domesticated silkworm has lost flight ability, thus it may be not easily handled after the breeding cycle. This study aims to find an alternative from Bombycidae that can possibly replace the current silkworm. Due to the rich resources of Bombycidae in Xitou Nature Education Area and Fenghuang Nature Education Area in Mid-Taiwan, both destinations are chosen as investigation sites. By setting up four transect lines, using light traps and finding host plants, investigators are looking for the presence of Bombycidae. During January to October 2013, the investigation has found four genera and 5 species of Bombycidae, and established 6 families and 11 species of lepidopteran competitors feed on Moraceae. By evaluating the frequency of its appearance, month, difficulty of search, accessibility of host plant, the elevation distribution, breeding difficulty and possibility of returning habitat among the 5 species of Bombycidae, Bombyx mandarina fonnosana is identified that is the most possible option for teaching materials instead of the original one. This study further provides ecological information of five Bombycidae species as a reference for the feasibility of alternative materials.


