  • 期刊


Gene Cloning and Sequence Analysis of APETALA2 from Prnus Campanulata


APETALA2(AP2)基因是植物花器發育ABC模型中的A類基因,主要調控萼片及花瓣的發育,並且能夠抑制C類基因表現的能力,此基因與大多數開花相關基因不同,屬於AP2/EREBP家族。本實驗自資料庫中蒐集並且分析已發表之植物AP2序列,在具高保守性的序列中設計一對退化性引子,對山櫻花(Prnus campanulata Maxim.)進行AP2的釣取,成功獲得一個山櫻花之AP2全長基因,並將其命名為PcAP2。將此基因進行分析比對後,結果顯示,PcAP2和所有已知之此類基因相同,具有兩個保守性高的AP2功能區塊,並且在親緣關係上明顯與薔薇科木本植物相近,另外此序列資料亦進行蛋白質功能區塊和結晶模型之預測,有助於更深入了解山櫻花AP2基因如何與核酸序列結合,進而調控花器生長發育。


山櫻花 花器發育 ABC模型


APETALA2 (AP2) gene is one of the most important genes involved in the flower development, it is belong to the type A gene in ABC model. This gene is required for normal development of sepals and petals, and also may negatively regulate the type C gene during flower development. In this research, we designed a pair of degenerated primers based on the conserved region of AP2 gene among different plants get the full-length AP2 gene from Prnus campanulata, named as PcAP2. The cloned gene was sequenced and its amino acid sequence was predicted. Comparing the alignment data of PcAP2 amino acid sequence with those of other plants, there are two highly conserved AP2 domains. The PcAP2 gene cloned from Prnus campanulata is highly similar with the same gene of other woody Rosaceae plant. This research further provides valuable information for predicting the protein function motifs and protein structure of this gene that may help us to have better understanding about how the AP2 gene works in the woody plant body
