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Integrated Model of Customer-Based Brand Equity: Sports and Fitness Venues




Purpose: This study validated the generalizability of the brand equity models of Aaker (1991), Boo et al. (2009), and Susanty and Kenny (2015) to the sports and fitness industries. Methods: To validate these models, this study employed structural equation modeling using 351 valid samples obtained from three major sports stadiums in New Taipei City and employed sample structure analysis, reliability and validity analysis, competition analysis, correlation analysis, and variance analysis. Results: Brand awareness substantially influences brand value through brand experience, and brand value partially mediates the relationship between brand experience and brand loyalty. Conclusions: When the brand association dimension of Aaker (1991) is considered, the brand experience element of Boo et al. (2009) becomes essential for sporting venues. Originality/value: Unlike Aaker (1991), this study employed the comprehensive model of Boo et al. (2009), which incorporates brand experience and brand value. To improve customers' evaluations of their brand, service companies should prioritize brand association. The integrated model of the current study can improve the refinement and diversity of utilization and evaluation of brand equity.


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