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A Preliminary Study on the Habitat, Distribution and Breeding Behavior of the Tiger Bittern (Gorsachius melanolophus) in Taiwan



1992年7月至9月間針對一對黑冠麻鷺之繁殖情形進行觀察並蒐集近年來一些有關黑冠麻鷺的資料,初步分析結果顯示:黑冠麻鷺目前以點狀分布在本省北,中,南部之低海拔山區,其對棲地的選擇以近溪流之闊葉林,竹林及具有少許樹林之開墾地爲主,黑冠麻鷺之繁殖期約在4〜9月其巢築於平均離地約5.46公尺(n = 5)之樹上,材料爲枯枝,並以唾液定型。每巢約3〜5個蛋平均孵化率爲77.5%;育雛期間由雌雄鳥共同負責,但以雌鳥所擔負的責任較重。黑冠麻鷺之食物以肉食爲主,尤喜食蚯蚓,約佔93%。親鳥的叫聲有警告性及一般性兩種,幼鳥的叫聲則有乞食聲,般性及驚懼聲三種。幼鳥孵出後約32天離巢,惟仍需由親鳥餵食,約11天後始能獨立。親鳥在巢中對外界干擾的情況會表現出警戒,擬態及威嚇等三種行爲,對人的逃避距離約爲10公尺。


黑冠麻鷺 育雛行爲 警戒 威嚇 擬態


During July and September 1992, data on Tigcr Bittern (Gorsachius melanolophus) biology, ecology and breeding behavior were collected. Tiger Bitterns are sporadically distributed islandwide in lower clevation hardwood forests, bamboo stands and agricutu-ral lands. They breed from April to September. Nests were in the trees at an average height of 5.46 m (n-5), and were made of sticks, a fixed to the tree with saliva. Each nest had 3 to 5 eggs (n - 5 ), and the average hatching rate was 77.5 %. During the breed. ing period, the male and female took turns caring for their young, but the female bird took primary responsibility . Tiger Bitterns foraged mainly on earthworms ( about 93 % ). Two kinds of parental calls, the warning call and the general call were heard, while fledglings had three kinds of calls, the alarm, general and begging calls. Young bird left the nest about 32 days after hatching. but still needed to be fed by the parents until they became independent 11 days later. Parents birds displayed warning, cryptic or threaten- ing behavior when disturbed. Tiger Bitterms flew away when humans approached to within about 10 m.
