  • 期刊


Research on Needs for Environmental Education, the Current Status of Natural Resources, and Success Factors of National Model Green Communities


本研究以環保署民國80-95年所遴選1-15屆共215個環保模範社區爲研究對象,以自編之「社區永續發展過程之環境教育及自然資源需求暨環保模範社區要素之探討」訪談大綱及問卷爲研究工具,寄出187份正式問卷,回收106份。運用SPSS以描述性統計方法做次數百分比和交叉分析。並對曾連續獲獎也願接受深入研究的9個社區,做質性訪談,以深入瞭解模範社區在永續發展時,對環境教育的需求及其運用自然資源發展社區時所需協助以及模範社區的成功要素。 研究結果發現五種鄉村類型環保模範社區中以農產型最多,三種都會型社區則以住商混合型爲多。這些社區推行環境教育最主要目的是提高居民的環保理念;宣導方式以自行舉辦環保活動最多。93.4%的環保模範社區認爲需要再接受環境教育;在環教技能方面的需求以生活環保最甚;知識方面的需求則以如何利用資源佔最高比例。76.5%社區認爲在推動環教活動時,最需要的協助是經費支持。 不同類型環保模範社區,擁有的資源特質有些許不同。農產型擁有農產品資源最多,漁村型以水資源較多,住商混合型以登山步道或自行車步道較多,住宅型以原生植物資源較多。有56.6%的社區運用自然資源發展特色;其過程中,最需的協助是經費支援,其次是規劃設計。多數社區都成立以義工隊爲最多的環保組織,成立時間以三年以上最多,人力以31-50人最多,起初組成多由社區發展協會成員推動,經費來源以政府補助和資源回收金較多。八成的社區對居民宣導購買低汙染、省能源、可回收再利用商品的綠色消費觀念。居民爲提升環境品質和美化景觀,積極進行綠化美化工作,但流浪貓狗的管理則爲請環保局派員處理或無特別處理。 環保模範社區成功因素,多因其能根據其特色擬定以社區風貌、社區健康爲主的社區營造。推展環保產業及生態旅遊項目以社區造景、資產保存與傳承爲主;生態環境管理以組織社區環保義工並推行居民環境教育爲主。本研究顯示政府未來在推動社區成爲永續發展社區時,必需提供必要的環境教育和社區規劃的協助並持續提供經費支援。


The purpose of this paper is to study the needs for environmental education, the current status of natural resources, and success factors of National Model Green Communities (NMGC) in Taiwan. Two hundred and fifteen NMGCs, awarded by the Environmental Protection Agency from 1991 to 2006, were the target of the study. 187 questionnaires were sent out and 106 were returned. In addition, 9 NMGCs agreed to participate in follow-up in-depth interviews. The results showed most rural NMGCs rely on agricultural production for economic sustenance, and urban NMGCs display mixed land use of business and residency. The purpose of environmental education in most NMGCs is to improve their residents' environmental consciousness, and community environmental protection activities are most popular for environmental education. 93.4% of the NMGCs consider their environmental education to be at an advanced level. The subjects the NMGCs need are environmental protection skills for daily life and wise resource management. 76.5% of the NMGCs think funding support is their greatest need in implementing environmental education. 56.6% of the NMGCs use the natural resources as part of their identity. Agricultural NMGCs, for example, cultivate produce, fishery NMGCs conserve water resources, NMGCs with mixed residential and business land use develop bike and walking trails, and residential NMGCs grow local plants. Funding support was listed as the NMGC's greatest need, with the know how to design and develop a NMGC listed second. Many NMGCs have organized volunteer groups about the scale of 31-50 people for environmental protection for three years. 80% of the NMGCs promote the concept of green consuming and encourage their residents to purchase low pollution, energy saving, recyclable goods. Success factors for NMGCs include applying local resources to develop a unique and healthy community; conserving heritage and landscapes to promote ecotourism; and establishing volunteer teams to implement environment education. This study would suggest government should help potential NMGC communities with environmental education and community development, and offer funding as well.




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