  • 期刊

The Effects of Reminiscence Group Therapy on Self-esteem, Depression, Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of Elderly People Living Alone



目的 懷舊團體治療對獨居老人改善其適應是值得關切的議題。本研究目的在探討懷舊團體治療對獨居老人自尊、憂鬱、孤獨及生活滿意度的影響。 方法 採實驗控制組前後測之類實驗研究設計。實驗組共12位老人參與懷舊團體之治療全程,控制組有14位參與平時常規性團體活動。以無母數統計分析進行資料處理。 結果 懷舊團體治療可顯著提升獨居老人自尊、減低孤獨感、增進生活滿意度。獨居老人憂鬱的得分有減低,但與控制組相比未達統計顯著性。文中對懷舊團體治療的過程、動力、及評值也提出討論。 結論 透過懷舊團體治療過程,獨居老人能夠回想及重建經驗而不覺得自己孤單,也能夠得到相互支持。台灣獨居老人越來越多,其適應越來越值得關切。懷舊團體治療省錢、對老人沒有傷害性,值得推廣,以增進其健康適應。未來研究設計應更嚴謹。


Purpose. To explore the effects of reminiscence group therapy (RGT) on raising self-esteem, lowering depression, reducing loneliness, and improving life satisfaction among elderly people living alone. Methods. This study used a pre-post test, controlled quasi-experimental design. After convenient sampling, subjects were randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a control group. The experimental group included 12 elderly people living alone who voluntarily participated in RGT and who completed ten RGT sessions. The control group included 14 elderly people living alone who participated in regular group activities for ten weeks. The effectiveness of RGT was evaluated by non-parametric data analysis. Results. RGT significantly raised self-esteem, lessened loneliness and improved life satisfaction among elderly individuals living alone. The reduction in depression levels did not reach statistical significance; however, the level of depression among those in the RGT group did improve when compared with the subjects in the control group. Conclusion. Through the process of retelling and sharing life experiences, the elderly living alone began to realize that they are not alone. Furthermore, RGT gives elderly people a chance to provide support to others. RGT is an effective alterative intervention with minimal harmful side effects for improving mental health and adaptability of elderly living alone. Further research in the application of RGT in elderly living alone using rigorous research designs is needed.


