  • 期刊

Cross-cultural Comparison of Medical Ethics between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine



當醫師及醫事人員面對前所未有的新科技、醫學創新,及生物醫學時,他們傳統的慈善心及對以病人爲中心的照顧承諾可能會逐漸消失;此外,西方醫學的成功更彰顯了科學至上及人性衝突的糾結矛盾。在醫療技術不斷創新、往前推進的同時,我們對這些問題的立場與態度到底如何?此時,重新思考東西方古先賢的醫學倫理,且對醫療決定中人與人間的關係做一個省思,是有必要的。 本研究的目的在比較古代中國及西方醫學倫理的起源、演變,並嘗試探討東西方醫學倫理的組成。本文包括傳統中國醫學的演進、古代中國醫學倫理、西方醫學的歷史、西方醫學倫理的演變及東、西方醫學倫理的比較。希望藉著探討東、西醫學倫理,我們在面對進步的醫技,科學的突破,及醫病關係時能有一個新的了解並共同攜手來激起一個新的討論風氣,使生命醫學倫理能成爲大家所關心的課題,使醫學倫理真、善、美與公義的理想能真正實現。


醫學倫理 法典 醫病關係


As physicians and health care personnel confront ever evolving new technologies, medical innovations and the new realm of bioethics, there is a very real threat the existing traditions of charity and commitment to patient-centered care may be displaced. The very success of western medicine has created moral problems in its practice. Currently, it may be useful to reflect on the wisdom and knowledge reflected in the medical ethics developed by our forebears. Such reflection may allow contemporary medical practitioners to better appreciate current ethical debates and develop ways of thinking that address the moral, legal and public policy questions associated with health care and the biomedical sciences. This work compares the medical ethics of ancient China with those of western medicine to understand whether these different ethical systems can offer any useful contributions to existing orthodoxy, and also to identify any inconsistencies between the eastern and western ethical systems. This work develops a literature review along with the findings of a document review.


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