  • 期刊


Model for Eco-labelling System and Operation Performance of Business in Taiwan




The purpose of this study is to confirm the relationship between eco-labelling system and operation performance of business in Taiwan. Research contents are included confirmations on the factors of eco-labelling system, factors of operation performance of business, and the model construction for above two factors. This study sent 390 questionnaires to the business which were applied eco-labelling from Environmental Protection Agency of Executive Yuan in Taiwan, and two times follow-up on questionnaire return remind by phone, then returned 195, and 155 were valid samples (40%), and most respondents were managers. This study applied structural equation modeling to confirm factors' relationship, and constructed the model. We found that promotion and extension of eco-labelling were all in negative relationships toward operation performance of business; except no significant effect on eco-performance, and removed the path toward sale performance, promotion and extension of eco-labelling had significant effects on the other factors. On the other hand, identification standard and procedure of eco-labelling had extremely positive significant effects toward operation performance, eco-performance, and financial performance. This study suggested an integrate research team can trace and compare this constructed model in the future.
