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The impacts of gender and regular exercise on college students' sport value, self-efficacy, and amount of leisure-time physical activities




價值觀 性別差異 規律運動


This study aims to understand the relations among college students' sport value, self-efficacy, and amount of leisure-time physical activities, with the impacts of gender and regular exercise on these variables dissected. We take college students at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology as subjects, adopt purposive sampling as the survey technique, and receive 517 valid questionnaires. The research instruments cover the scale of sport value, the scale of self-efficacy, the scale of leisure-time physical activities, alongside the demographic variables to conduct statistical analysis via descriptive statistics, t-test, product-moment correlation and regression. The results show: (1) The ability of sport value, the physical fitness, stress, entertainment, and health of self-efficacy, and the amount of leisure-time activities of males are higher than those of females; those who have regularly exercise behavior also savor higher sport value, self-efficacy, and more leisure-time physical activities. (2) College students' sport value and self-efficacy have highly positive correlation, but are only low correlated to the amount of leisure-time physical activities. (3) In forecast models of the amount of leisure-time physical activities, the physical fitness, health, regular exercise habits of self-efficacy of males have significant predictability, whereas that of females has a lot to do with the ability of sport value, and the interpersonal relationship, stress, and regular exercise habits of self-efficacy to be significant.


value gender difference regular exercise


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