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Evaluation of the Physical Fitness Achievement Award for Students with Excellent Physical Fitness Award




Moderate physical activity can maintain good physical and mental health and physical function, and reduce risk factors. Physical activity and physical fitness planning can decrease the occurrence of heart disease mortality, cancer, and respiratory diseases, and drawdown medical and resource expenditures. Therefore, the developed countries are concerned about the amount of physical activity and healthy physical fitness of their people and schoolchildren and adjust their policy direction, content, and actions in light of the current situation. In 1999, Taiwan implemented the "Promoting Students' Fitness and Fitness Medium-Range Plan", comprehensively promoted the "Student Fitness Passport" in primary and secondary schools, and formulated the "Award for students with excellent physical fitness". This policy has been implemented for two decades. However, in the annual report of 2017's Taiwan student fitness test, the decline in overall performance resulted in a significant proportion of the number of students not being rewarded. From the revised trend of developed countries' physical fitness reward policy, the present version of comprehensive health fitness applicability, the incentive to enhance the possibility of external motivation to trigger internal motivation, the benefit, and evaluation of physical fitness detection, etc., the current "Award for students with excellent physical fitness " evaluation standard revision should be necessary and important. For the feasible scheme to study and participate in the United States and Singapore reward system, adjust the grade conversion, can really change the student evaluation of the number of people structure, greatly reduce the poor evaluation and improve the number of middle and high-level. Only for the new thinking of the physical fitness achievement award training, the relevance of the five-point reward system, the rationality of the difference between the male and female physical fitness standard, students' physical right, labeling, and other related issues rethink and the related supporting support of the physical fitness achievement award should be more deeply thought and examine, and the period makes the revision of the "Excellent Student Reward Points for Physical Fitness" more perfect, help ingest students to improve their physical fitness and achieve good health.


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