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Athlete's Perception on Referee's Professional Performance in Taiwan Intercollegiate Volleyball League Match


目的:本研究之目的為探討大專排球選手知覺裁判之專業表現;以及裁判專業表現之評價在選手性別、勝負及等級上之差異。方法:以參加全國大專排球聯賽選手,男女生選手共 673人,平均年齡為20.48歲(標準差為2.03歲)。本研究採用情境觀點 (situational approach),於大專校院排球聯賽預賽期間,在每場比賽結束後,以「排球裁判員專業表現問卷」為工具,分別針對第一及第二裁判的專業表現進行評估。結果:蒐集之資料分別進行單因子MANOVA,ANOVA, t-test等統計分析。結果發現:選手知覺裁判專業表現,除了公正判決沒有差異外,第二裁判的分數高於第一裁判,而不管是第一裁判及第二裁判在總分及大部分的分量表分數上,勝場選手皆高於負場選手、女性高於男性、第三級選手高於第一級選手。結論:整體而言,選手對裁判專業表現都有好的評價,但負場選手、男性以及第一級選手可能對排球裁判專業表現的期望較高而評價較低,相關單位在安排裁判執勤或培訓上可能要特別考量以上因素。


Purpose: This study aimed at exploring athlete perception of referee professional performance during intercollegiate volleyball league match and to examine the differences between won or lose, gender and competitive level. Method: 673 volleyball players (N_(male) = 330 and N_(female) = 343) participated this study. The mean age of participants was 20.48 year (SD = 2.03). This study used situational approach. All participants were asked to fill out a "Volleyball Referees Professional Performance Questionnaire" for assessing the first and second referee's professional performance after each match during intercollegiate volleyball league match. Results: One-way MANOVA, ANOVA and t-test have showed that, except impartial judgment, players' perception of second referee had higher score than that of first referee. Whether on overall or sub professional performance score, both first and second referee scored higher by players from winning team, females and players of third competitive level in contrast to players from losing team, males and players of first competitive level. Conclusion: Generally speaking, all players gave positive evaluation on referees' professional performance. However, male players, first competitive level and from losing team gave less positive evaluation, which may due to their higher expectation for volleyball referees' professional performance. These should be important factors for volleyball referee education organization to consider on future arrangement for referee execution in match preparations and referee training program.


