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An Investigation into the Motivations of Taiwanese Female Football Referee


女子足球運動發展較男子晚起步,且足球裁判領域存在傳統男性主宰意識;女性擔任足球比賽關鍵的執法者,相較多數為男性的足球裁判而言,為何女性願意投入足球裁判的行列?本研究旨於調查臺灣女性足球裁判參與足球比賽執法工作之動機。透過文獻探討設計訪談大綱,挑選臺灣女性不同等級足球裁判相關工作者共7人進行半結構式訪談,討論其參與執法之主要動機,並運用馬斯洛(A. H. Maslow)之需求理論解析調查結果。研究結果顯示,臺灣女性足球裁判參與執法之外在動機不足,如裁判的薪酬、競賽的硬體設施,以及競賽環境的回饋;而執法男性球賽的自我挑戰、試圖打破性別刻板印象的動力,以及代表臺灣執法國際賽的榮譽感與成就感可歸依內在動機的需求,並滿足群體的自我實現。總結而言,臺灣女性足球裁判執法的外在動機誘因不足,執法的主因是內在動機,且能滿足群體的自我實現,符合馬斯洛之需求理論中自我實現的最高層次。


The research aims to investigate the motivations of Taiwanese female football referees. To date, modern football requires match officials to dispense high physical performance on the field. This crucial change drives the football referees to promote their aerobic ability, strength and stamina to fulfil the criteria to become suitable match officials and 'referee athletes'. The research methods include document analysis for building the questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with Taiwanese female FIFA referees, FIFA assistant referees, National A level referees and referee assessors. The interview responses were recorded and used the theory of hierarchy of needs from A. J. Maslow for analysing. The research results show that the Taiwanese female football referees are motivated by intrinsic motivations rather than extrinsic motivations, and the inter cohesion of match officials should be delimited as 'self-actualization'. Facing the predicaments in Taiwan, such as unsatisfied match allowances, gender unfriendly sports facilities and an androcentrism competition environment, the interviewed female referees are unified by accomplishing desirable match performances or acting as Taiwanese international representatives. The research suggests that the governance bodies of Taiwanese football should improve the basic physiological needs, such as providing gender-friendly facilities or higher salaries, for the match officials to increase extrinsic motivations. At the same time, encouraging match officials to strengthen the inter cohesion of self-actualization and consider 'football referee' as an option of career development could be another aspect of improving the intrinsic motivations of Taiwanese female football referees.


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