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Concurrent Validity of the Tseng Handwriting Problem Checklist



本研究及對譄氏學童寫字檢核表的同時效度提供經驗證據(empirical evidence)。即探討曾氏檢核表之組合(composite)分數與四個知覺動作測驗分數之關係。 受試者乃來自高雄市五權國小,樂群國小及愛國國小之三五至五年級的學童,各級老師根據學童之寫字行為,為143名受試者填寫曾氏檢核表,其中71位是隨機取樣自級任老師認為有嚴重寫字問題的學生,另72位學童是隨機取樣自沒有寫字問題的學童。之後,將學童的寫字問題檢核表分數與知覺動作測驗分數做皮爾森相關(Pearson Correlation)。結果顯示相關值中等且連顯著水準,提供了曾氏檢核表中之“動作組合”(motor composite),“正確組合”(accuracy composite)及“建構組合”(construction composite)的同時效度。




The purpose of this study was to provide additional information on the concurrent validity of the Tseng Handwriting Problem Checklist (THPC) through examining the relationship between scores on the composites of the THPC and scores on four tests measuring specific perceptual-motor skills. The THPC was completed by classroom teachers for 143 Chinese school-aged children from Grades 3 through 5. Seventy-one children were identified by their teachers as having severe handwriting problemms and 72 children were randomly selected from the remaining students not identified by teachers as having severe handwriting problems. Data were collected on four perceptual-motor tests, the THPC along with writing speed and pencil grip rating. Significant but moderate correlations were found between scores on the composites of the THPC and scores on the three tests measuring perceptual-motor skills. The results provided evidence of construct validity for the motor, accuracy, and construction composites of the THPC. The fact that both the accuracy and construction composites of the THPC reflect more than one kind of the perceptual-motor skills indicates the complexity of the skills underlying handwriting performance.
