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Japan's Long-term Care Policy and Future Reform


日本在1970年,65歲以上人口比例達7%,步入高齡化社會。1925到1950年代出生的「人口變遷期間世代」(the demographic change period-generation),雖有眾多的兄弟姊妹,但其本身卻只生育少數子女,使得人口結構由高出生率低死亡率轉變為低出生率低死亡率。1995年時,高齡者比例即達14%,倍增速度僅需時25年,可見人口高齡化速度之快。且日本目前為世界上平均餘命最長的國家。在人口極快速高齡化及家庭照護資源漸減情形下,日本長期照護體系的建構實為當下的重要議題。本文探討高齡者健康服務體系架構、日本因應高齡社會的重要政策-長期照護保險、長期照護制度的優缺點及提出未來改革方向。台灣同為亞洲高齡化相當快速之國家,因此本文希望藉由對日本長期照護政策的討論,提供台灣政策制定者參考,以促進高齡者權益及福祉。


Japan has become an aged society since 1970, when the rate of the 65+ population was up to 7%. People who were born between 1925 and 1950(the demographic change period-generation) usually had many siblings, but tended to have fewer children. Therefore, a demographic shift from a tendency toward many births and few deaths to the modern pattern of few births and few deaths. In 1995, the aged population rate was already up to 14%, which means it only took Japan 25 years to double the rate. Japan has experienced quite rapid progress in population aging. Moreover, Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world now. Under the condition of rapid aging and diminishing family care resources, the construction of the long-term care system and policy is really important. This paper discusses the health care system and policy for the elderly, including long-term care insurance、the advantages and disadvantages of the long-term care system and future reform. Taiwan is also a rapid aging country, so we expect this paper is helpful to the construction of long-term care system and policy, and promotion the rights and welfare of the elderly in Taiwan.
