  • 期刊


Effects of Child-mother and Child-teacher Attachment on Preschoolers' Social and Learning Behaviors




There are four purposes in this study: (1) to understand the effects of related factors on child-mother and child-teacher attachment; ( 2) to explore the differences of preschoolers' social and learning behaviors between different attachment types; (3 )to study the relationship between child-mother and child-teacher attachment; and (4) to test the suitability of Waters' "a attachment Q-set" for preschools in Taiwan. Forty preschoolers participants were quantitative analysis by using "attachment Q-set", "Child-teacher attachment Q-set" and "Children social and learning behaviors scale". Results indicated that (1) demographic characteristics didn't affect establishing child-mother attachment; (2) demographic characteristics didn't affect establishing child-teacher attachment; (3) different child-teacher attachment types were significantly different in preschoolers' friendly behavior score; (4) security score of child-teacher attachment significantly predicated preschoolers' learning behaviors score; and (5) there was no significant relationship between child-mother and child-teacher attachment. The spplications of "attachment Q-set" were discussed. Suggestions are made for future research.


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