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The Study of the Dietary Habits of freshmen in a Institute of Technology in Central Taiwan




專科生 飲食習慣


Purpose of this research is to understand the dietary habits of today's adolescent and to use it to further improve and establish what is the balanced diet for teens. The subjects of this study are freshmen at Hung-Kuang institute of technology in 1996, who participated through voluntary enrollment and answering the questionnaires. The actual number in the study is 500, ages between 16 to 19. Return rate of the questionnaire is about 98.23%. The questionnaire includes basic information' dietary habits, frequency of food intake, etc. The results indicated in changes of social structure, teens frequently have breakfast and lunch outside of homes. Not very many students have milk everyday and the percentage of students who have not ever drank milk is significantly high. Most test subjects occasionally consume carbonated, sports or artificial sugar drink, but very few consume them daily. The research also finds a minority of students already has a habit of alcohol consumption. The most popular fast food is french fries, followed by fried chicken, hamburgers, and salad. The research finds that students tend to snack mostly when they are hungry, followed by have cravings, are bored, watching television, invited by friends or moody. The most frequently consumed snack is potato chips(54% ), followed by cakes/cookies(51.8% ). The above result shows that in addition to dietary changes, students also eat to pass time and pacify mood swings. Most students also like to have a late night snack before they go to sleep. The most popular late night snack is packaged noodle soup(49.9% ), followed by milk(37.3% ). This indicates that the snacks and late night meals students frequently consume are high in fat, sugar and salt, and long term use of these foods can contribute to obesity. It is nutrition educator's goal to teach the youth how to choose what kind of food is right for their body to consume in order to be healthy.


institute student dietary habit


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林芳美(2003)。國小四年級學童的飲食行為 與其父母飲食行為配對類型之關係〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2003.00018
