  • 期刊


A Study on the Student Organization Cadres' Self-Growing Experiences after Participating in Student Organizations at Colleges


為了協助推動大專校院學生社團發展工作,以及了解現階段大專校院學生參與校園社團活動後之學習成長感受,乃進行本次研究工作。本次學校幹部樣本包含中部五所公私立大專校院知學生社團幹部,人數共計374人。本次問卷調查受訪學生之基本資料,包含學校公私立屬性、學制屬性、社團屬性、社團活動歸屬、學生幹部職別、學生幹部性別以及參與社團活動之資歷等七項。問卷內容概分為兩個部分,第一部分以受訪學生親自帶領及參與社團的經驗,就個別性影響校園社團的因素為考量,共有十五題,各題採Likert五點尺度進行衡量,由「完全沒有影響」到「絕對有影響」,分別給予一分到五分;第二部分為參與校園社團活動後,學生幹部自我學習成長的認知態度情形,共有十六題。各題採Likert五點尺度進行衡量,由「非常不同意」到「非常同意」,分別給予一分到五分。在統計分析資料過程中,針對十五個大專校院學生社團活動發展影響事項題目經以主成份法(principal component analysis)抽取特徵值大於1的因素,再以最大變異法(varimax)進行直交轉軸後,共可抽出三個因素,其解是變異量依序分別為26.89%、17.27%、13.88%,累積解釋變異量達58.04%。根據因素負荷量及題目內涵各因素按特徵值大小依序分別命名為「有礙課業與時間管理」、「提升做人做事能力」及「更清楚未來生涯發展」。大專院校學生參與社團活動之正向自我成長,無論是「提升做人做事能力」或「更清楚未來生涯發展」都獲得社團幹部相當高程度的肯定,同時對於參與社團活動可能帶來的「有礙課業與時間管理」之負面影響,大專院校社團幹部則認為較沒這方面的顧慮。分析結果顯示,私立學校社團幹部參與社團活動無論在「提升做人做事能力」或「更清楚未來生涯發展」的正向自我成長感受因素上,均較公立學校社團幹部所同意的程度高。在學校體制上,技職院校社團幹部在「更清楚未來生涯發展」的正向自我成長感受因素上,較綜合(醫學)大學社團幹部學生所同意的程度高。對於擔任不同社團職務的社團幹部而言,在正向自我成長感受因素上,參與學生會(或活動中心)的社團幹部同意度也比參與一般社團的社團幹部同意度較高。此外在就學生幹部性別方面,在「有礙課業與時間管理」的負面自我成長感受因素上,男性社團幹部比女性社團幹部同意較有這種負面的感受。


In order to promote the development of college student organizations, and to get insight into the self-growing experiences of college student organization cadres, this study proceeds. The samples of this study are 374 cadres of college student organizations from five public and private colleges in central Taiwan. Beside of demographical data of surveyed cadres, questionnaire items, 5 point Likert-type scale, are divided into two parts: (1)15 items about the perception of events influencing the development of college student organizations. (2)16 items about the perception of self-growing experiences for college student organization cadres after participating in college student organizations . After principal component analysis on events influencing the development of college student organizations, 3 factors emerge as "olleges' planning and measures ", "instructors' guidance", and "students' time and willing" with accumulated percent of total variance explained 19.99%, 17.41%, and 11.12% respectively. The factor "instructors' guidance" is perceived to be more influential to the development of college student organizations in technological and vocational colleges than in comprehensive (medical) colleges. The candidate cadres deem the factors of "instructors' guidance" and "students' time and willing" more influential to the development of college student organizations than cadres. Female cadres regard the factors of "instructors' guidance" and "colleges' planning and measures" more influential than male cadres. When the same principal component analysis is performed on the perception of self-growing experiences for college student organization cadres, 3 factors emerge as "hindrance on academic learning and time management","promotion on ability to do things and to be a human being", and "enlightenment on the career aspiration" with accumulated percent of total variance explained 26.89%, 17.27%, and 13.88% respectively. The positive factors of "promotion on ability to do things and to be a human being" and "enlightenment on the career aspiration" are highly recognized by college student organization cadres, and the negative factor "hindrance on academic learning and time management" is deemed much impossible. The positive factors of "promotion on ability to do things and to be a human being" and "enlightenment on the career aspiration" are agreed higher in private colleges than in public colleges. The positive factor "enlightenment on the career aspiration" is agreed higher by cadres participating in student associations (or center of student activities) than by cadres participating in ordinary student clubs. The negative factor "hindrance on academic learning and time management" is agreed higher by male cadres than by female cadres. Suggestion is provided based on results.


周甘逢(1992),〈大學社團活動與生活教育〉,《高市鐸聲》,3 :1,頁15-21。
謝政諭(1996),〈體有益的大學社團活動-以達認識與充實生涯規劃〉,《訓育研究》,35 :3,頁29-32。


