  • 期刊

Features and Prospects in Comparative Studies of Vietnam and Taiwan



自1986年越南政府進行改革開放到ta(上標 n),台灣kap越南ê經濟、文化交流ná來ná chē。Chit kúi年來台商tī越南ê投資金額lóng佔外國投資ê前三名。Ùi hng路嫁來台灣ê越南新移民mā將近十萬人。因為台越雙方ê交流chiâ(上標 n)密切,越南研究kap台灣研究mā分別chiâ(上標 n)做台灣hām越南學術界關心ê研究領域之一。Toè tióh李前總統登輝先生ê南進政策,中央研究院tī 1994年成立東南亞區域研究計畫(2003年改為亞太區域研究專題中心)積極從事東南亞研究。台灣學界自1999年起ták年辦理東南亞區域研究年度研討會,koh分別tī 2005年成立台灣東南亞學會kap 2009年成立台越文化協會。Tī東南亞研究當中,越南研究佔有真重ê分量。仝款,越南社科院tī 1993年成立中國研究中心(目前已經升級做中國研究院,下設台灣研究中心)koh積極從事台灣經濟發展過程ê研究。Chit篇論文beh回顧台灣ê越南研究kap越南ê台灣研究歷程koh提出未來台越人文比較研究新興議題ê可能性。


台越 越南 台灣 東南亞 區域研究


Inter-marriages, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Vietnam have increased significantly in the last two decades. Hence Vietnamese studies in Taiwan and Taiwanese studies in Vietnam have gained improtance in academia in Taiwan and Vietnam. In Taiwan, for example, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (1994-2001) was established in 1994 by Taiwan.Academia Sinica under the Go-South Policy of Taiwan former president Lee Teng-hui. There are several more important institutions engaging in Vietnamese studies and/or semi-regular Taiwanese-Vietnamese academic conferences. In Vietnam, Taiwanese studies came along with the emergence of Chinese studies in the early 1990s. In September 1993, the Center for Chinese Studies at the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences was approved by the Vietnamese government. The purpose of this paper is to survey current developments of comparative studies of Vietnam and Taiwan, and to provide further perspectives on the future development of this area of study.


Tai-Oat Vietnam Taiwan Southeast Asian area studies


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