  • 期刊


NMR Spectroscopy and Structures of Proteins in the Aqueous Solution


核磁共振光譜學十五年來快速發展成為可和X-光晶體繞射法相抗衡的另一結構生物學技術,它的優點在於不需養晶體,可直接算出巨分子在水溶液中之結構, 並易於探討巨分子與受子之作用,及E分子之勘性。圍內這方面的研究已有良好的基礎,近兩年又將添購數部高磁場(> 500 MHz)光譜儀,更重要的是多位優秀年青學者陸續返國,加入生核磁共領研究。國內本學門的大放異彩,指日可待。本文簡單介紹如何利用核磁共振法決定蛋白質的結構。


In the past fifteen years, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has developed into a major structural biology technique, competing favorably with X-ray crystallography. The advantages of NMR are: (1) The ability of NMR in determining the structure of macromolecules near physiological conditions, without the need of growing single crystals. (2) It is capable of extracting kinetic and thermodynamic information r el ated to substrate/macromolecular interactions at atomic resolution prior to or after the structures have been determined. (3) NMR is the most powerful technique in extracting molecular dynamic information. Taiwan has had good foundation in biomolecular NMR research. Recently, several high field (>500 MHz) NMR Spectrometers had been, or will be installed all over the island. More importantly, seve ra l well-trained you ng biomolecular NMR scientists have return to Taiwan. We expect biomolecular NMR to flouri sh in the near future. In this article we briefly discuss the basic principles involved in determining protein structure by modern NMR techniques.
