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The Best Approach to Public Strategic Management:Harvard Policy Model, Strategic Alliances, Competitive Analysis or Something else?


儘管近年來不論於公、私部門中,組織管理學者以及實務界的管理階層都一致推崇策略規劃或策略管理的重要性,但比起其他的管理改革,策略管理對許多人而言卻仍然是相當模糊的概念。本文的主要目的即在經由回顧公、私部門中較具代表性的策略管理模式,提供認識與選擇適當策略途徑的基礎。 管理文獻中主要的策略管理模式可分為組織概念途徑、人物概念途徑以及分析途徑等三類,其中大多數的模式皆起源於企業管理的領域,但每一種模式卻都具有增進公共管理者之決策能力的潛力,公共管理者應視個別組織的特性及其所處環境的不同而選擇、修改或併用適當的途徑。此外,由於公共組織不同於企業機構的特性,公共策略管理的應用必須注意到1)提供組織成員投入改革的動機;2)以快速的成果換取長期策略管理系統的建立;3)針對利害關係人行銷組織的策略管理系統;4)將「合作」做為組織競爭力的基礎;以及5)以資深的高級文官為執行策略管理的重心。


This paper presents the concepts and practices of the different schools of strategic management. By describing and comparing the major models of strategic management, it is hoped that public managers will learn to choose the ones that are most suitable for their own tasks. In addition, this paper, based on the inherent differences between public and private organizations, provides several recommendations for those interested in implementing strategic management in their agencies. The strategic management models reported in the literature can be classified into analytical approach, organizational concept approach, and actor concept approach. While most of the models were developed in the private sector, each one of them has the potential to improve the decision-making processes of public managers. How ever, due to the particularly turbulent environment surrounding public organizations, public managers who seek to establish a strategic management system need to pay attention to the following: 1) offer mid-level governmental managers reasons to change; 2) use quick results to by time for long-term commitment; 3) communicate the organization’s strategic plan to the rest of the organizations; 4) use cooperation as a basis of competition; 5) rely on career senior executives for implementation.


