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Knowledge Management of Globalization Government-An Exploratory Research on Global Public Policy Network Approach


知識經濟與全球化趨勢已迅速地刻劃廿一世紀的新世界版圖,隨著資訊科技的普及,財貨商品、資訊、資本與文化全球性擴張、強化與加速全球互動,國內公共事務不但深受全球化發展的影響,其與全球事務的分界亦逐漸模糊。此外,資訊科技的迅速變遷也改變創造、處理與散播知識的途徑與速度,這一股力量不但影響民間部門,同時也改變政府部門獲得與管理知識的方式。因此,如何在全球化趨勢下藉由知識管理以提昇施政績效,成為現代政府面對的重要課題之一。 近十年來,由國家、國際組織與民間部門所形成的三方網絡(Trisectoral Networks)積極扮演推動全球化下知識管理的角色,其係利用資訊科技或網際網路結合不同源與背景的知識,強調知識來源的多元性及知識蒐集方法的差異性,並藉由對於爭議議題形成共識創造新的知識。 本文將有系統地介紹全球公共政策網絡的理論與實務。在進行步驟上,首先,分析全球化趨勢對於政府治理的衝擊;其次,分析全球公共政策網絡的內涵、功能、限制與個案類型;再次,指出全球共政策網絡與政府知識管理、政府績效提昇之關係;復次,將以世界水壩委員會進行全球公共政策網絡與政府知識管理的個案分析;最後,根據前述分析提出研究發現與政策建議。


In recent years, the failure and insufficiencies of traditional Multilateralism have become ever become obvious. Governments and international organizations alone are no longer able to address ever more complex global policy issues. On the other hand, the corporate sector and civil society are significant players in almost all global policy domains. Thus, creative institutional mechanism are needed that connect governments, international organizations, civil society, and the corporate sector in order to better address the growing number of global public policy challenges. In this article, I will argue that global public policy networks (or trisectoral networks or virtual policy networks) are one promising answer to the growing organizational vacuum at the global level. These networks reflect the underlying forces of what has been coined “globalization”, a process usually associated with massive structural change in the environment of both national and international policymakers. In these trisectoral networks, states, international organizations, civil society actors and the private sector are collaborating to achieve what none of the single actors is able to achieve on its own. Specifically, global public policy networks take knowledge management of a sort that lies beyond the traditional meaning of that term. Global public policy networks not only combine existing knowledge. This article will introduce the background of development of global public policy networks, and their policy implications. Next, this article will point to several different functions that networks perform. Also, the article will briefly discuss Some important network management issues that improve the understanding of how these networks run, what they promise, but perhaps most importantly, their limitations. Also, I will also analyze the relationship of global public policy networks and knowledge management, and roles of states and international governments playing in these networks. In this context, the concluding section of the article, I will present research findings and policy suggestions.


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