  • 期刊


Mediated Memories: Huang Chong-kai's The Contents of the Times and the Historical Writings by Taiwanese Millennial Writers


自1980年代以來,台灣歷史書寫持續受到作家與研究者的重視,這一波書寫浪潮緊密鑲嵌在台灣本土意識崛起的社會脈絡。然而,近幾年台灣書市再度浮現不少刻劃台灣歷史的作品,而且多數由1980年代以後出生的千禧世代作家寫成。這一群作家成長於本土化意識高漲、跨國資本主義與通訊媒介急遽發展的時代氛圍,因而他們的歷史書寫展現出與前一世代截然不同的美學表現和關懷。這一篇文章挑選黃崇凱《文藝春秋》(2017)作為分析對象,深入探討台灣千禧世代作家歷史書寫的特質與關切。本文認為,媒介(media)在黃崇凱小說扮演舉足輕重的角色。為此,本文挪用媒介記憶研究(media memory study)的相關討論,揭開《文藝春秋》所呈現的歷史、記憶與媒介的辯證關係。


歷史小說 記憶 重新記憶 媒介 千禧世代


Since the early 1980s, the boom in historical writing embedded within the expanding Taiwanese nativist consciousness has been highly valued by both Taiwanese writers and humanities researchers. However, a new wave of historical writing by those of the Millennial generation, born after the 1980s, has gained greater attention in recent years and deserves closer examination. This group of writers matured in the age of radical Taiwanese nativist consciousness, transnational capitalism, and the rapid development of communication media. It is in this sense that their writings have completely different artistic styles and thematic concerns than that of the preceding generations. This article uses Huang Chong-kai's The Contents of the Times (2017) as its object of analysis to illustrate the characteristics and concerns of historical writing by Taiwanese Millennial writers. It contends that the media plays a pivotal role in Huang Chong-kai's literary works and applies the theoretical framework of media memory study to reveal the dialectical relationship among history, memory and media found in The Contents of the Times.


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