  • 期刊


Innovation Rooted in Culture: A Preliminary Investigation of the Design Model of Cultural Products


地方特色文化隨著全球化以及文化創意產業的發展,其價值越顯重要,更成為經濟競爭中不可忽視的軟實力。當在地文化特色的推廣與傳播成為擴展區域經濟的重要力量,如何透過設計轉化,讓「文化」不只是代表生活中累積的智慧,而是透過實體的呈現讓「文化」在越趨均質化的市場中成為創造商品差異化與獨特性的加值手段。基於此重要性,本研究欲探討文化商品的本質,進而歸納出文化商品創意、創新的可能性。本研究第一階段邀請產業界專家進行焦點團體訪談,蒐集文化商品關鍵字,並依據KJ(Kawakita Jiro Method)法進行歸島分組及命名。第二階段以同儕審查方式,邀請具五年以上設計學習經驗的設計研究者,將本研究已先分層篩選的40張已上市文化商品的圖片,依群組內容進行分類,藉以檢驗並且修正分組名稱。其歸納結果再透過第三階段的專家深度訪談,逐項討論。藉由專家的專業見解與分析,建立完善的文化商品設計構面模型。此設計模型希望建構一套讓設計者可以系統化操作的設計方法,藉由相關可辨識的設計元素由內而外的描繪文化商品的設計可能性,產生連結文化內涵的設計概念;即從商品的情感意念,延伸出強調文化表現的造型式樣、材質運用、使用功能、製作技術等考量,進而發展出文化商品設計的創新機會點。


With ”cultural globalization” and the development of a cultural creative industry, the local characteristics of culture have become a soft power. The importance of Culture cannot be ignored in the market because its value has become increasingly important. Therefore, the promotion and spread of local culture are important forces for developing the local economy. How to make the culture not only representative of cumulative wisdom in life by design transformation but also to have value-added means for creating different and unique goods in an increasingly homogenized market by presentation of entities is important. Based on this, the present study aims to examine the characteristics of cultural products and the possibility of product innovation. In the first stage, based on the methods recommended by design experts, five experts in the industrial circle are invited for in-depth interviews. Then using different key words related to cultural products, which are made based on the KJ (Kawakita Jiro) method. In the second stage, based on peer review, five participants with over five years of practical design experience are invited to classify 40 pictures of listed cultural products according to group content, in order to check if the previous items are sufficient in explaining the design characteristics of cultural products and in correcting the group name. Data obtained from the group discussion and individual interviews with experts in the third stage are analyzed. Based on the suggestions and analyses of the experts, a dimension model of cultural products is developed. This design model hopes to establish a design method which can be systematically employed to describe the design possibility of cultural products using relative and recognizable design elements. It also aims to create a design concept for connecting cultural value and the ”emotional aspect” of products in order to extend modeling style, usage of materials, functionality, production technology, and other factors that emphasize cultural performance. Finally, it aims to push further innovation in the design of cultural products.


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