  • 期刊


A Practice-based Study of Taiwan's Cybercultural Product Design




Nowadays, consumers place emphasis on quality, personalization, and uniqueness of products. Price is not the main effect of consumption any more. As a result, creative and cultural products become a favorite with the market. The distinguishing features of cultural products are their abstract value and the mental fulfillment consumers get. From the point of view of producers, cultural industry replaces stock with considerable creation and knowledge. Its investment limitation is much lower, but it can bring enormous value. Thus, developed countries address one strategy about cultural industry after another. The Executive Yuan brought forth cultural industry strategies. Cultural industry has become one of the economical-strategy industries in Taiwan. However, the development of cultural industry is limited in these years; its output value grows extremely slow. In such situation, a new developmental aspect is the point of this study. This study, based on subculture, is going to find the connection between culture and product design from subcultural products in Taiwan. What’s more, it will enter the core of cultural products, design subcultural products, and find out another possibility of cultural products through reflection and research. Research motive: (1) probing into the application of cybercultural in cultural products; (2) analyzing how culture is transformed and applied on products; (3) discussion on cultivation and application of cultural products. Research contribution: (1) observing and analyzing the public acceptance about subcultural products for the application; (2) analyzing cybercultural products and their inner value; (3) providing designers with suggestions about new cultural products.


經濟部文化創意產業推動小組辦公室(2008)。2007 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。臺北市:工業局出版。
經濟部文化創意產業推動小組辦公室(2007)。2006 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。臺北市:工業局出版。
經濟部文化創意產業推動小組辦公室(2006)。2005 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。臺北市:工業局出版。
經濟部文化創意產業推動小組辦公室(2005)。2004 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。臺北市:工業局出版。
經濟部文化創意產業推動小組辦公室(2004)。2003 臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。臺北市:工業局出版。


