  • 期刊


The Impact of STEAM Literacy Integrating into Basketball Shooting Teaching on the learning effectiveness of college students


本研究目的在探討透過STEAM素養融入籃球投籃教學對大學生學習成效影響情形,並比較兩種不同教學策略對學生學習前後之差異。研究方法;以某國立大學選修籃球課2個班級學生為對象,共89人。分為以STEAM教學策略授課為實驗組(43人);一般教學策略授課為對照組(46人)。以問卷調查方式蒐集資料,透過SPSS 20版統計軟體進行相依樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析。研究結果;一、兩種教學策略對大學生投籃技能表現之學習前後測皆達顯著水準。二、不同教學策略融入對大學生學習成效前後測結果,實驗組在學習成效之認知、行為及情意皆達顯著水準,對照組則在認知方面達顯著水準。三、實驗及對照組比較,在學習成效表現皆未達顯著水準。四、不同年級之學生在STEAM素養教學策略融入後,學習成效之認知及情意方面達顯著水準,但經事後比較發現只有情意達顯著水準。結論:STEAM課程設計對大學生籃球課之情意學習成效有正面影響,建議大學體育教師可融入STEAM素養元素,鼓勵學生在多元學習中,提升學習動機及成效。


團隊合作 科技學習


The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of STEAM literacy integrating into basketball shooting teaching on the learning effectiveness of college students and to compare the differences between the two different teaching strategies before and after students' learning. The research method used was a total of 89 students enrolled in two classes of basketball courses at a national university. Divided into the experimental group with STEAM teaching strategies (43 people); the general teaching strategy was taught in the control group (46 people). Data were collected by questionnaire survey, and Paired Sample t-test and ANOVA had carried out through SPSS 20 statistical software. Research results: First, these two teaching strategies had reached a significant level of learning and pre- and post-measurement of college students' shooting skills. Second, different teaching strategies were integrated into the before and after test results of students' learning effectiveness, and the cognition, behavior, and affective level of learning effectiveness, were all significant in the experimental group, while the cognitive level of the control group reached a significant level. Third, the performance of learning effectiveness in the two groups did not reach a significant level. Fourth, different graders achieved a significant level of cognitive and affective aspects of learning effectiveness, but after comparison, it was found that only affection reached a significant level. Conclusion: STEAM literacy did improve college students' had a positive impact on emotional learning effectiveness, and it is suggested that university physical education teachers can integrate STEAM literacy to help students improve their learning motivation and effectiveness in diversified learning.


Teamwork Technology Learning


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