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Museum 2.0概念的可能性與真實性-由博物館觀點探討Web 2.0與社群媒體之應用及問題

Feasibility and Authenticity of Museum 2.0: Web 2.0 and Social Media Applications and Issues from the Viewpoint of Museums


自從Web 2.0 的技術如Flickr、Blog、Wiki、Youtube、Facebook、Second Life、RSS 等大量出現以來,博物館界也導入了Web 2.0 技術,開始探討社群媒體應用的可能性,甚至出現了"Museum 2.0"一詞。但Museum 2.0 究竟是博物館應用資訊科技的新概念、新階段,抑或僅是個曇花一現的流行語?其中關鍵便在於Web 2.0 技術在博物館應用上的理念為何,同時也和博物館的經費、人力、技術等現實條件有關。本文首先分析Web 2.0 概念以及Museum 2.0 議題;其次,將國外博物館在Web 2.0 應用上的案例,歸納為藏品內容的組織、展覽及教育活動的延伸、觀眾參與的擴大等三類;第三部分則探討博物館在應用Web 2.0 技術上能否切合博物館的理念,也討論博物館導入Web 2.0 的困難與挑戰;最後則總結Museum 2.0 概念的條件和障礙,並對國內的博物館在Web2.0 的應用上,提出若干建議。


博物館 Web 2.0 資訊 社群媒體 博物館2.0


Web 2.0 applications, such as Flickr, blogs, Wiki, Youtube, Facebook, Second Life, and RSS, are being implemented by museums. This has led to discussions regarding the feasibility of social media applications and the coining of the term "Museum 2.0". Is "Museum 2.0" a new concept or new phase in the application of information technology or is it merely a short-term buzzword? The key point is the philosophy behind Web 2.0 technology in museum applications and related issues such as funding, human resources, and technology. In the first part of this study, Web 2.0 concepts and Museum 2.0 topics are introduced and analyzed. In the second part are examples of Web 2.0 applications which are divided into three categories: organization of collection content, extension of exhibition and educational activities, and expansion of audience participation. The third part focuses on the suitability of Web 2.0 applications in light of the philosophy of museums, as well as the difficulties and challenges of applying Web 2.0 to museums. Finally, we propose some recommendations regarding Web 2.0 applications for museums in Taiwan.


Museum Web 2.0 Information Social Media Museum 2.0


李士傑(2007)。Web 2.0與公共參與。研考雙月刊。31(3),81-92。
尹思哲(2007)。Web 2.0大引爆。臺北:天窗出版社。
朱曉俐(2009)。Web 2.0在博物館之應用(碩士論文)。元智大學藝術管理研究所。
張淇龍、卜小蝶(2006)。淺談Web 2.0與通俗分類於圖書資訊服務之應用。圖書與資訊學刊。57

