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Adaptive Reuse of Heritage, Cultural and Creative Industries and Aesthetic Reflexivity: Cultural Conservation Movement of Chongjian Street Creative Market and Herbs Maison in Tamsui


以文化資產做為創意產業的論述基礎,為臺灣文創產業國家政策推動的一環。但文化資產與文創產業的關連究竟為何,在實務、學理、概念與方法論之間,尚待梳理。古蹟空間活化已為國內文化資產保存的重要取徑,且多依托於文創產業做為主要活化模式。文創產業的核心意念在於產業生產模式與內容的改變,提供在地就業機會,具有引入觀光活動、活化在地經濟的意涵,與古蹟及歷史街區保存欲導向的地方活化與主體認同建構有類似的軌跡,差異在於引動在地的主體認同抑或以觀光客引入兩者的優先順序,這也是論析文化資產活化是創造古蹟的當代性價值,或者僅具商業利潤的文創化思考關鍵,這兩股作用力與操作軸線及策略運用,來自於作用者的施為與論述實踐的介入。本研究以美學反身性的概念切入,以淡水重建街「香草街屋」做為觀察與分析的核心,探討淡水第一街— 重建街面臨拓寬的空間危機時,如何運用「香草街屋」的古蹟文化資產角色,與重建街創意市集的文創策略,論述淡水老街的空間歷程,以重建街創意聚落的形塑過程,重新想像歷史街區與文創產業間可能的新關係。


Cultural heritage forms the basis of cultural and creative industries. Promotion of cultural and creative industries is a key national policy in Taiwan. However, the connection between cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries is unclear, in terms of practices, theories, concepts, and even methodology. Reuse of historical buildings has become an important approach to the preservation of cultural heritage, and mainly follows the model of transformation into commercial spaces for the cultural and creative industries. The core idea of cultural and creative industries is to apply industrial production models and content transformation for the purpose of supplying more jobs, promoting tourism activities and stimulating the local economy. In addition, historical building and historical street/area preservation can guide local revitalization efforts and identity building. However, is priority to be given to local identity or tourism? This is the basic research question of this article. Moreover, does revitalization of cultural heritage create contemporary value for historical buildings or is it only a commercial model? Is it possible to implement strategic cooperation between the two? In this article, the concept of aesthetic reflexivity is introduced with observation and analysis of Chongjian Street and Herbs Maison in Tamsui. The crisis that erupted due to the proposed widening of Chongjian Street, the first street in Tamsui, is discussed. In addition, the role of Herbs Maison in historical building and cultural heritage preservation and the strategies of the Chongjian Street Creative Market are used to explore the use of space along Tamsui's old streets. Through the process of formation of the Chongjian Creative Market, a vision for possible new relationships between historical street/area and cultural and creative industries is proposed.


江千綺譯、Urry, J.(2013)。消費場所。臺北:書林出版有限公司。


