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Application of the PRECEDE model to explore the factors of successful aging in elderly people in a rural community


隨著平均餘命的延長,高齡人口持續增加,老化並非是不斷失能及退化痛苦過程,高齡者可自主生活,提升生活滿意度、促進自我生命意義價值之昇華,降低社會及醫療成本之負荷,推動高齡者在社區中成功老化已是各國重要的議題。研究方法與工具:本研究採結構式問卷調查法,立意取樣以屏東縣東港鎮65歳以上高齡者為研究對象,有效樣本為200人,運用生理層面(自覺健康狀態Cronbach's Alpha值為0.91)、心理層面(生活滿意度量表Cronbach's Alpha 值為0.89)、靈性層面(自我生命意義量表Cronbach's Alpha值為0.82)及社會層面(活動活動參與程度量表Cronbach's Alpha值為0.91)等四個量表定義成功老化。研究結果:運用負迴歸分析發現參與活動意願對成功老化解釋力33.994%為最高,其次為參與活動總數26.568%%,第三名為日常生活功能16.479%,第四名為家庭滿意度7.898%,第五名自覺經濟狀況3.933%,第六名為職業3.954%,第七名為健康檢查原因3.297%,第八名為經濟主要來源2.713%,第九名為家庭主要協助者2.569%,宗教與婚姻對成功老化無顯著預測力。結論與建議:從本篇研究結果發現在使能因素以參與活動意願為社區高齡者成功老化之重要預測因子,參與1項合宜社區活動、日常生活功能獨立、家庭滿意度高、經濟自主有自我工作及定期執行預防保健之健康檢查,將有助於成功老化,建議在社區推展合宜高齡者的社區活動,鼓勵定期參與社區活動,並適時協助日常生活功能,以促進社區高齡者成功老化。


With an increase in average life expectancy, the elderly population continues to increase, aging is not a process of continuous disability and degeneration, older people can live independently, improve life satisfaction, promote the sublimation of meaning of self-life, reduce the burden of social and medical costs, promote the success of senior citizens in the community is an essential issue for all countries. Methods: A descriptive correlation design was adopted for this study. Data was collected in Donggang Township, subjects who aged 65 or above were recruited to the study. Participants completed a questionnaire that consisted of the physiological, psychological, social level and spiritual impacts on successful aging. The use of physiological levels (perceived health status of the Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.91), psychological (life satisfaction scale the Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.89), spiritual level (self-Meaning of Life Scale the Cronbach's Alpha 0.82) and social dimensions (activities activity participation scale the Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.91), four scales were used to define successful aging. Results:The use of negative regression analysis revealed that participation in activities of the willingness of successful aging explanatory power 33.994% was the highest, followed by participation in the activities of the total number of 26.568%%, the third for the activities of daily living 16.479% 7.898%, the fourth named family satisfaction, fifth perceived economic status of 3.933 percent, sixth seventh reason for health checks 3.297% 3.954% career the eighth named economic main source of 2.713%, the ninth named family facilitator 2.569%, religious and marriage were found with no significant predictive power in successful aging. Conclusions and suggestions: Found from results of this study, there is the enabling factor to participate in the willingness to participate is a significant predictor of the successful aging of the elderly in the community. Participate in a suitable community event, the independent function of daily life, high family satisfaction, has own work, economic autonomy, and regular implementation of preventive health check-ups will help to age successfully. It is recommended to promote community activities for the elderly in the community. Encourage regular participation in community activities, timely assistance in daily life functions to promote the successful aging of the elderly in the community.


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