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Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Nucleoside-Nucleotide Mixture on Learning and Memory in Mice


本研究之目的在探討以20%酪蛋白(對照組)及20%酪蛋白添加0.5%核酸混合物(nucleoside-nucleotide mixture; NNM)(NNM組)餵飼1及7月齡之雄性老化促進小白鼠(senescence accelerated mouse; SAM-P/8),觀察其對學習記憶能力之影響作用。小白鼠餵飼4、8與12週後,以單次被動迴避試驗(single-trial passive avoidance test)測試小白鼠之學習與記憶能力。小白鼠在行爲測試結束後犧牲,觀察其腦部之病變情形。結果顯示各月齡的兩組小白鼠在實驗期間之體重皆無明顯差異,7月齡NNM組之平面移動量顯著多於對照組。學習記憶能力方面。7月齡SAM-P/8小白鼠經12週餵飼0.5% NNM後學習能力比對照組有較佳之傾向;而全腦海綿樣變性(spongy degeneration),小白鼠之病變區主要集中在腦幹部,並有隨月齡增加逐漸延伸至中腦、視丘及大腦之現象,病理評估其空泡數在同月齡之0.5% NNM組與對照組相比較並無顯著性差異;但7月齡比1月齡小白鼠的腦部空泡數膠原細胞聚集有明顯的增加現象。核酸混合物對年老小白鼠之學習記憶能力可能有提升之影響作用,但對同月齡小白鼠間雖未發現腦部組織空泡數有明顯之差異,然而其結果及方法可作為日後研究之探討與依據。


The purposes of this study were to examine the effect of 0.5% nucleoside-nucleotide mixture (NNM) supplement on learning abilities and memories of 1- and 7-month old male SAM-P/8 mice. After 4、8 and 12 week < feeding, learning abilities and memories of the mice were assessed by the single-trial passive avoidance task and then mice were sacrificed for inspection of their brain pathology. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the body weight and locomotion between the two groups of 1- and 7-month old mice. As for their memories, it was shown that the 7-month-old SAM-P/8 fed on the 0.5% NNM diet for 12 weeks had better performance than the control group. In spontaneous spongy degeneration of the whole brain, areas of pathological changes were mainly in the brain stem and gradually extended to the midbrain, thalamus and cerebrum along with aging. There was no evident difference in the vocuole numbers between 0.5% NNM fed and control groups of the same age, but the 7-month-old mice had increased and accumulated more astrocytes in the vocuoles. The NNM supplement for SAM-P/8 has an enhancing effect on learning and memory; however, there was no significant difference in the number vocuoles between control and treated of the same age groups. The results should be pursued in the future.
