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Principle and Process for Constructing 2011 Vegetarian Daily Food Guide and Dietary Guidelines


「素食飲食指南」與「素食飲食指標」的訂定乃是為提供素食飲食攝取的基本原則,幫助民眾能在飲食多樣化的前提下達到飲食均衡,以預防營養素缺乏和慢性病的發生。然而飲食指標、指南必需立基於實證的基礎下,考量食物和飲食的選擇對達到營養需求及對慢性病發生的影響。2009年衛生福利部提出素食產品標示分為「全素或純素」、「蛋素」、「奶素」、「奶蛋素」及「植物五辛素」五類。其中「植物五辛素」,與其他素食類別之差異僅在於其未排除「蔥、蒜、韮、薤、興渠」等食材。因應素食種類制定飲食指南與指標供民眾及專業人士參考及應用,至為 重要;因此,百年版的「素食飲食指南」針對「純素」、「蛋素」、「奶素」、「奶蛋素」四種素食來制定;「素食飲食指標」文字中並未區分素食種類,僅提出綜合性飲食原則。本飲食指南與飲食指標的制定過程中,首先參考國內、外文獻資料,再藉由2004-2008台灣營養健康狀況變遷調查資料,得到台灣地區非葷食者經常攝取之食物資訊;依據不同素食種類與不同熱量需求進行六大類飲食份數之設計,在進行營養素試算後與國內制定的國人膳食營養素的參考攝取量(Dietary reference intakes, DRIs)比較後,並反覆修正而訂定;過程中經由多次專家會議討論,達成共識,確定飲食指南與飲食指標之內容。


The recently drafted "Vegetarian Daily Food Guide" and "Vegetarian Dietary Guidelines" provide guides to the basic principles of a vegetarian diet. Both help members of the public who wish to pursue a vegetarian lifestyle maintain a balanced, varied diet, and thus avoid nutritional deficiencies and chronic diseases. Based on empirical considerations, the Daily Food Guide and Dietary Guidelines consider the ability of foods and dietary choices to meet common nutritional needs and their effects on chronic diseases. In 2009, the Ministry of Health and Welfare proposed five labels for vegetarian foods, namely "vegan" "ovo-vegetarian," "lacto vegetarian," "lacto-ovo vegetarian," and "vegetarian containing the five pungent vegetables." Of these, "vegetarian containing the five pungent vegetables" differs from the others in that it identifies foods which include the five pungent vegetables: onions, garlic, scallions, leeks, and asafetida. Because it is very important for the Daily Food Guide and Dietary Guidelines to identify the different types of vegetarian diets for both vegetarians and professionals, the centenary edition of the "Vegetarian Daily Food Guide" only identifies the first four types of foods: "vegan," "ovo-vegetarian," "lacto-vegetarian," and "lacto-ovo vegetarian." For its part, the "Vegetarian Dietary Guidelines" does not distinguish between types of vegetarian diets in its text, and provides only general dietary principles. In the process of compiling the "Vegetarian Daily Food Guide" and "Vegetarian Dietary Guidelines," we first referred to domestic and foreign literature, then obtained information on foods consumed by non-meat-eaters in Taiwan from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan for the period 2004~2008. This volume presents six major dietary portions based on different types of vegetarian diets and different caloric needs. The volume also proposes dietary reference intake (DRI) levels for citizens and includes the associated nutritional content. Throughout this process, a consensus was reached through repeated revisions based on consultations at numerous conferences with experts on the contents of the "Vegetarian Daily Food Guide" and "Vegetarian Dietary Guidelines."


