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Effect of Konjac Noodles Intervention in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes


蒟蒻根部主要成份為葡甘露聚醣,屬於一種水溶性膳食纖維,具有改善血糖、減少血脂肪濃度及體重控制等保健功效,先前研究多採用膳食補充劑或點心供應受試者,目前並無將蒟蒻麵條作為主食進行第2型糖尿病患臨床試驗。本研究採隨機、單盲、平行之研究設計,將受試者36人區分為非蒟蒻麵組共20人,以及蒟蒻麵組共16人,蒟蒻麵組每天攝取一包蒟蒻麵200 g,取代三餐中之一餐,12週後共有11位非蒟蒻麵組及8位蒟蒻麵組完成試驗。受試者於試驗前第0週及試驗後第12週完成24小時飲食回憶問卷評估,當比較非蒟蒻麵組受試者於試驗前後其體重、身體質量指數、腰圍及糖化血色素指標皆無統計差異,相較於蒟蒻麵組飲食介入前後各數值之變化,其體重(-1.04%,p = 0.022)、身體質量指數(-1.11%,p = 0.026)、腰圍(-2.89%,p = 0.003)及糖化血色素(-0.55%,p = 0.036)皆達顯著差異,此外蒟蒻麵組介入前後並不改變受試者飲食熱量及營養素攝取,本研究顯示第2型糖尿病患者以蒟蒻麵作為主食能有助於糖尿病患飲食照顧。


Konjac glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fiber derived from the root of the that can improve blood sugar, reduce the blood fat concentration, help manage weight, and has other health effects. Although konjac powder was used as an ingredient in dietary supplements or snacks in previous studies, no clinical trial has reported using konjac glucomannan noodles (KGN) as a staple food. In this randomized, single-blind, and parallel-group trial, 36 participants were assigned to a non-KGN (n = 20) or KGN (n = 16) group. All subjects in the KGN group received one serving of KGN (200 g) per day which was used to replace one meal as a stable food. After 12 weeks, 11 participants in the non-KGN and 8 participants in the KGN group completed the study. All participants completed a 24-h dietary recall at the beginning (week 0) and 12-week follow-up. There were no statistical differences in body weight, body-mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and HbA1c in the non-KGN group. However, the body weight (-1.04%,p = 0.022), BMI (-1.11%,p = 0.026), WC (-2.89%,p = 0.003), and HbA1c (-0.55%,p = 0.036) had significantly decreased after this 12-week intervention in the KGN group. In both groups, there was no change in calorie or nutrient intake before and after the trial. This study showed that KGN as a staple diet can contribute to dietary care in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
